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Carti in categoria Economie generala

Caraman-Hudea, Oana Simona
Tip afisare:
Incursiune in lumea teoriilor economice si a modelelor asociate
Lucrarea redata in cele ce urmeaza are drept scop crearea unei viziuni de ansamblu asupra principalelor teorii si a modelelor macroeconomice specifice acestora, contribuind la dezvoltarea capacitatii celor interesati de a se apleca asupra analizei economice dintr-o dubla perspectiva: teoretica si aplicativa. Maniera concisa si explicita in care subiectul de fata este abordat si tratat il face accesibil nu doar profesorilor si studentilor cu tangente in sfera economica, ca reper de studiu coeren...
PRP: 25,00 Lei  20,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Modelarea dinamica stohastica a economiei Romaniei in contextul echilibrului general
Lucrarea de fata isi propune sa vina in intampinarea tuturor celor interesati sa cunoasca si sa aprofundeze o latura recent abordata la nivelul tarii noastre, din sfera modelarii macroeconometrice, si anume modelarea dinamica stohastica de echilibru general.Volumul are drept element central conturarea unui model de dimensiuni medii care se constituie, prin relatiile de echilibru, identitatile si functiile de optimizare, intr-un model didactic clar structurat, destinat profesorilor si studentilor...
PRP: 33,00 Lei  26,40 LeiAdauga in cos
Easily Testing of Basic Macroeconomic Knowledge
The present guide represents a useful instrument for all individuals willing to become acquainted with basic macroeconomic information via progressive testing, as well as to those just pursuing to assess their already acquired knowledge in the matter. The work, containing a series of 305 applications, consisting in: choosing the right answer from several variants of possible answers, treating open subjects, making graphical representations on a given issue or solving problems, is structured in ...
PRP: 20,00 Lei  16,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Easily Testing of Basic Macroeconomic Knowledge - Revisited and Added Edition - Oana Simona Caraman-Hudea
The present guide represents a useful instrument for all individuals willing to become acquainted with basic macroeconomic information via progressive testing, as well as to those just pursuing to assess their already acquired knowledge in the matter.The work, containing a series of 380 applications, consisting in: choosing the right answer from several variants of possible answers, treating open subjects, making graphical representations on a given issue or solving problems, is structured in el...
PRP: 20,00 Lei  16,00 LeiAdauga in cos
A Short Way to Macroeconomics Core - Revisited and Added Edition (Oana Simona Caraman-Hudea)
This paper is dedicated to all those interested in becoming acquainted with the fundamentals of economics captured from national perspective, be they students in social sciences or just individuals willing to understand the functioning mechanisms of an economy.The work content is synthetically rendered and clearly structured, being divided into eleven chapters, distinct from one another and inter-correlated at the same time. If the first two chapters provide an overall image, by revealing the ce...
PRP: 28,00 Lei  22,40 LeiAdauga in cos