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Carti in categoria Cardiologie

Harrison. Medicina Cardiovasculara
Lucrarea Harrison - Medicina Cardiovasculara a fost creata avand in vedere importanta medicinei cardiovasculare in cadrul medicinei interne, dar si rapiditatea cu care avanseaza bazele stiintifice ale acesteia. Scopul principal este oferirea unei priviri succinte asupra domeniului medicinei cardiovasculare. Cuprinde:- 44 de capitole in care sunt descrise bolile cardiace congenitale, valvulopatiile, bolile coronariene, tulburarile de ritm cardiac, transplantul de cord, endocarditele, pericarditel...
PRP: 269,90 Lei  242,91 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Tratat de cardiologie - Volumul. 2 - Costin Carp
Tratatul de cardiologie reprezinta contributia unui numar mare de cardiologi eminenti din centrele universitare ale tarii, carora li s-au asociat tineri cardiologi si experti in explorari neinvazive sau invazive, ca si in interventii chirurgicale si nechirurgicale.Elaborat la cumpana dintre milenii, tratatul de fata corespunde unei perioade de progrese accelerate in majoritatea domeniilor cardiologiei. Tinand seama de achizitiile recente in cardiologie, autorii, coordonati de prof. dr. Costin Ca...


PRP: 280,00 Lei  210,00 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
The EHRA Book of Pacemaker, ICD and CRT Troubleshooting Volumul 2
Following the success of the first volume of the EHRA Book of Pacemaker, ICD and CRT Troubleshooting a second volume with new cases has now been developed. A timely addition to the European Society of Cardiology, as device therapy has seen many new developments since the first volume, with the advent of leadless pacing, conduction system pacing, and subcutaneous ICDs, amongst other novelties. These new technologies are covered in the book, as are general device troubleshooting issues which were ...
PRP: 472,50 Lei  463,05 LeiAdauga in cos
Clinical Lipidology, A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease
Part of the renowned Braunwald family of references, Clinical Lipidology: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease provides today’s clinicians with clear, authoritative guidance on the therapeutic management of patients with high cholesterol levels and other atherogenic lipid disorders. An invaluable resource for cardiologists, lipidologists, endocrinologists, and internal medicine physicians, this one-stop reference covers everything from basic science and the pathogenesis of athero...
PRP: 735,00 Lei  720,30 LeiAdauga in cos
Braunwald;s Heart Disease. A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine (Ninth Edition)
Braunwald's Heart Disease remains your indispensable source for definitive, state-of-the-art answers on every aspect of contemporary cardiology. Edited by Drs. Robert O. Bonow, Douglas L. Mann, Douglas P. Zipes, and Peter Libby, this dynamic, multimedia reference helps you apply the most recent knowledge in molecular biology and genetics, imaging, pharmacology, interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, and much more. Weekly updates online, personally selected by Dr. Braunwald, continuously k...
PRP: 900,00 Lei  882,00 LeiAdauga in cos
The ESC Textbook of Heart Failure
The ESC Textbook of Heart Failure is the latest addition to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) publications portfolio and is fully supported by the European Heart Failure Association. The textbook brings together internationally renowned experts in the field of heart failure to present an up-to-date understanding of all aspects of this chronic condition that worsens with time. It is estimated that the worldwide population of patients suffering from heart failure is approximately 26 millio...
PRP: 1029,00 Lei  1008,42 LeiAdauga in cos
Tratat de cardiopatii congenitale - Ion Socoteanu (Set 3 Volume)
"Marete sunt recompensele celor care aleg calea cea grea, cu multe urcusuri si coborasuri, chiar daca acele recompense rarnan ascunse ani intregi", asa considera Richard Buch in ale sale invataturi pentru suflete avansate - pentru ca trebuie sa ai nu doar mintea iscoditoare si inima deschisa, ci si "sufletul avansat" pentru a scrie un tratat de amploarea celui redactat de profesorul Ion Socoteanu. In cele exact 100 de capitole, structurate in 6 sectiuni, cei peste 80 de a...
PRP: 1150,00 Lei  1092,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Kaplan s Cardiac Anesthesia
Current, comprehensive, and evidence-based, Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia: Perioperative and Critical Care Management, 8th Edition, offers practical guidance from today’s international leaders in cardiac anesthesiology, helping you to optimize perioperative outcomes, avoid complications, and ensure maximum patient safety. Dr. Joel A. Kaplan, along with an expert team of associate editors, guides you through today’s clinical challenges, including expanded coverage of critical care, the ...
PRP: 1680,00 Lei  1646,40 LeiAdauga in cos