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Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry II, Eight-Volume Set Volume 1-8
Comprehensively reviews - the strategies, technologies, principles and applications of modern medicinal chemistryProvides a global and current perspective of today's drug discovery process and discusses the major therapeutic classes and targetsIncludes a unique collection of case studies and personal assays reviewing the discovery and development of key drugsRelated Titles* Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations II, 2nd Edition : A Comprehensive Review of the Synthetic Literature...
PRP: 18375,00 Lei  18007,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Encyclopedia of Immunology
Key FeaturesFour volumes, each containing a subject indexApproximately 630 different articlesMore than 700 expert contributors from 22 different countriesCoverage of 31 different subject areasConcise definitions of the subject to introduce each entryFurther reading lists at the end of each entryExtensive cross-referencingEntries arranged in a single A-Z list for easy accessEasy-to-read double-column formatMore than 500 figures to complement the textMore than 60 new articlesA glossary of immunolo...
PRP: 5775,00 Lei  5659,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Encyclopedia of Microbiology, Six-Volume Set
“This is a comprehensive and creative collection of reviews of every imaginable aspect of the microbial world from ABC transport to zoonoses. The scope, detail and organization of this four-volume set is truly remarkable. The editor provides the reader with a limitless supply of reference material for teaching purposes, research, or historical perspective. This encyclopedia is an all-encompassing reference to meet the needs of the diverse number of disciplines dealing with microorganisms, ...
PRP: 3990,00 Lei  3910,20 LeiAdauga in cos
Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, Three-Volume Set Volume 1-3
Key FeaturesCutting edge content will encompass the period of time from neo-nates to age threeAward-winning Editors-in-Chief to ensure authoritative qualityOrganized alphabetically by topic for ease of referenceEach article will include a glossary defining any unique termsSuggested readings at the end of each article provide a resource for additional informationExtensively cross-referenced within the work to enable reader access to full and relevant information related to their interestsOnline a...
PRP: 3675,00 Lei  3601,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Heptinstall s Pathology of the Kidney
Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! For nearly 60 years, Heptinstall’s Pathology of the Kidney has been the reference of choice for both pathologists and nephrologists for expert, authoritative coverage of kidney disease. The fully revised and reorganized Eighth Edition, edited by Drs. J. Charles Jennette, Vivette D. D’Agati, Agnes B. Fogo, Volker Nickeleit and Michael Barry Stokes offers thorough pathologic descriptions, important clinical correlations, and up-to-date ...
PRP: 2100,00 Lei  2058,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Medicina clinica, Chirurgie generala si specialitati chirurgicale, Medicina clinica. Set 3 Volume Rezidentiat
Setul de 3 volume pentru bibliografia examenul rezidentiat incepand cu sesiunea noiembrie 2021 este format din: - Chirurgie generala si specialitati chirurgicale, editia a VI-a- Kumar si Clark. Medicina clinica, editia a X-a, editie aniversara- Sinopsis de medicina, editia a V-a Descriere - Chirurgie generala si specialitati chirurgicale, editia a VI-a Excelati in stadiul de chirurgie prin utilizarea acestui material de incredere. Editia a sasea acestui compediu concentreaza notiuni chirurgu...


PRP: 1415,00 Lei  1273,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Harrison- editia a 19-a. Principiile medicinei interne. Volumul 1 + 2 (cu DVD)
Cel mai prestigios tratat de medicina de anvergura mondiala Dedicat invatarii. Dedicat practicii. Niciun alt manual de medicina nu s-a ridicat la nivelul de expertiza si de rigoare stiintifica atins de Harrison – Principiile medicinei interne inca de la prima editie, aparuta in 1950. Editia a 19-a inglobeaza evolutiile de ultim moment din toate domeniile medicinei, abordand exhaustiv patogeneza bolilor, diagnosticul diferential, studiile clinice, abordarile imagistice moderne, ghiduril...
PRP: 1399,00 Lei  1259,10 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals
Advanced audience of upper division veterinary and animal science students, graduate students, researchers, laboratory technicians at all levels in the health sciences wherever animals are being studied or are as patients in their own rightContentsConcepts of Normality in Clinical Biochemistry; DNA Technology; Carbohydrate Metabolism and Diabetes; Lipids and Ketones; Proteomics; Clinical Immunology; The Erythrocyte; The Porhyrins; Iron Metabolism; Hemostasis; The Leukocytes; Clinical Enzymology;...
PRP: 1063,00 Lei  1041,74 LeiAdauga in cos
Cell Biology set 4 volume
This four-volume laboratory manual contains comprehensive state-of-the-art protocols essential for research in the life sciences. Techniques are presented in a friendly step-by-step fashion, providing useful tips and potential pitfalls. The important steps and results are beautifully illustrated for further ease of use. This collection enables researchers at all stages of their careers to embark on basic biological problems using a variety of technologies and model systems. This thoroughly updat...
PRP: 945,00 Lei  926,10 LeiAdauga in cos
Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 18 th Edition (Two volumes)
The most trusted textbook in medicine -- featuring the acclaimed Harrison's DVD -- updated with 57 additional chapters and exclusive video and tutorials Extensively revised and expanded by the world's leading physicians, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18e continues to set the standard as the pinnacle of current medical knowledge and practice, offering the definitive review of disease mechanisms and management. CURRENT All chapters have been completely updated to reflect the...
872,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Rubin Patologie: Mecanismele Bolilor Umane
Rubin Patologie, editia a 8-a, este usor de citit si bogata in ilustratii vibrante, determinand intr-un mod abordabil acumularea de cunostinte-cheie de patologie si sedimentarea unei baze medicale utila pentru succesul clinic. Aceasta permite accesarea informatiilor de care aveti nevoie cel mai mult – mecanismele fiziopatologice ale bolilor, integrarea acestora in cadrul patologiilor sistemelor de organe si aplicarea patobiologiei in medicina de diagnostic. De asemenea, aceasta faciliteaza...


PRP: 850,00 Lei  765,00 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
The Desk Encyclopedia of Microbiology
The most comprehensive single-volume source providing an overview of microbiology to non-specialistsBridges the gap between introductory texts and specialized reviews.Provides concise and general overviews of important topics within the field making it a helpful resource when preparing for lectures, writing reports, or drafting grant applicationsDescriptionThe Desk Encyclopedia of Microbiology, Second Edition is a single-volume comprehensive guide to microbiology for the advanced reader. Derived...
PRP: 682,50 Lei  668,85 LeiAdauga in cos
Tratat de medicina interna
O aparitie editoriala de exceptie, un proiect unic al majoritatii coordonatorilor de rezidentiat in medicina interna Reflectand in totalitate curricula actuala de pregatire in rezidentiatul de medicina interna, Tratatul de medicina interna coordonat de Prof. Univ. Dr. Camelia C. Diaconu a fost scris cu gandul la toti medicii rezidenti si specialisti care se pregatesc pentru examenul de specialitate, primariat sau concursuri pe post si care au nevoie de un ajutor pentru a promova cu succes ace...
Ross Histologie. Tratat si atlas. Editia a VII-a
Ross Histologie: tratat si atlas este lectura cea mai potrivita pentru profesionistii din medicina, medicina dentara ori profesiunile inrudite din domeniul sanatatii, cat si pentru studentii la medicina sau biologie. Combinatia text si atlas, cu statut de best-seller, include un tratat detaliat, care subliniaza corelatiile functionale si clinice ale histologiei, completat cu ilustratii informative si imagini de microscopie optica si electronica. Separat, sectiunile de atlas, superb ilustrate, ur...


PRP: 550,00 Lei  495,00 LeiAdauga in cos
CNS Regeneration, Basic Science and Clinical Advances
Responses to Injury 1. Molecular and Genetic Responses to Injury Larry Benowitz 2. Glial Cells, Inflammation and CNS Trauma Michael T. Fitch and Jerry Silver Stem Cells and Trophic Factors in CNS Repair 3. Stem Cell Therapy for Brain Tumors Rahul Jandial, Allen L. Ho, Michael L Levy and Evan Y. Snyder 4. Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson's Disease Andreas Androutsellis-Theotokis, Maria A. Rueger and Ron D.G. McKay 5. Adult Neural Progenitor Cells in CNS Function and Disease Sebastian Jessberger, S...
PRP: 525,00 Lei  514,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Tratat de pneumologie
Carte publicata sub sigla Editurii Medicala Universitara „Iuliu Hatieganu” Volumul Tratat de pneumologie, elaborat sub coordonarea doamnei profesor dr. Doina Adina Todea, este o realizare remarcabila a unui colectiv de 51 autori, din 18 specialitati medicale, care impreuna exploreaza fascinanta lume a pneumologiei si a patologiilor asociate si intricate. Lucrarea doreste sa furnizeze cititorului o vedere de ansamblu asupra specialitatii de pneumologie, incepand cu reperele anatomic...
Interviul Clinic Structurat pentru Tulburarile de Personalitate din DSM-5 - Interviul


SET plus licenta;Interviul, Ghidul Utilizatorului, Chestionar de screening SPQ plus Interviul Clinic Structurat pentru Tulburarile din DSM-5, Versiunea pentru Clinici
Manualul AJCC de stadializare a cancerului. Editia a opta
Editia a opta a Manualului AJCC de Stadializare a Cancerului reprezinta un compendiu al tuturor informatiilor disponibile referitoare la stadializarea tumorilor maligne ale adultului pentru toate localizarile anatomice vizate. Acest volum constituie rezultatul cooperarii dintre Comitetul Unit American pentru Cancer (AJCC) si Comitetul TNM al Uniunii pentru Controlul International al Cancerului (UICC), fiind un material esential utilizat de medici, pentru a facilita descrierea si raportarea unifo...


PRP: 495,00 Lei  470,25 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Gastroenterologie si hepatologie clinica, editie revizuita si completata (2 volume)
Prezentare: Lucrarea, aparuta in urma cu 5 ani la initiativa Societatii Romane de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie, este oferita acum intr-o editie noua, revizuita si completata, avand un format nou (2 volume). Autorii, experimentati specialisti in domeniu, adevarati mentori ai generatiei de tineri medici in devenire, vor sa transmita, cu responsabilitate, intr-un material compact si didactic, notiuni esentiale, periodic revizuite si filtrate din imensa cantitate de informatii aparute. Sunt prez...


PRP: 485,10 Lei  460,85 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Biotechnology, Applying the Genetic Revolution
Up-to-date text focuses on modern biotechnology with a molecular foundationBasic concepts followed by more detailed, specific applicationsClear, color illustrations of key topics and conceptsClearly written without overly technical jargon or complicated examplesRelated Titles* Biotechnology, 2nd Edition : A Laboratory Course* Molecular Biology : Understanding the Genetic Revolution* Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology : A Guide to Mathematics in the LaboratoryDescriptionUnlike m...
PRP: 450,00 Lei  441,00 LeiAdauga in cos