Steps Towards The 9th Grade - Ana Maria Vladau

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Descriere - Steps Towards The 9th Grade

Aparitia Steps towards the 9th Grade este salutara, ca o resursa complementara necesara tuturor cadrelor didactice  pentru pregatirea candidatilor pentru  admiterea la clasele cu program de predare biligv / intensiv a limbii engleze. Intrucat testarea competentelor de limba engleza se realizeaza in conformitate cu prevederile metodologiei de admitere in clasa a IX-a , Steps towards the 9th Grade reprezinta un auxiliar curricular eficient, respectand structura si tipurile de subiecte stipulate in metodologie, propunand  astfel un set de opt modele pentru proba scrisa si 30 de modele pentru proba orala,  precum si subiectele probelor scrise din anii anteriori.

Modelele de subiecte ofera elevilor acces la tipurile de exercitii pentru verificarea cunostintelor de structura si  vocabular  si contribuie la  formarea  competentelor de receptare si producere a mesajelor scrise si orale in limba engleza. 

Auxiliarul  a venit ca o consecinta naturala a nevoii de practicare a subiectelor specifice  probelor de admitere,   in contextul unei solicitari din ce in ce mai mari din partea elevilor pentru oferta educationala a liceelor care organizeaza clase cu predare bilingva/intensiva. Steps towards the 9th Grade imbogateste colectia de ghiduri si auxiliare curriculare menite sa pregateasca elevii pentru admiterea la clasele cu predare bilingva /intensiva , oferind o gama variata de exercitii pentru fixarea limbii engleze, intr-un format accesibil, putand fi utilizata si ca studiu individual.

Uram succes elevilor  in utilizarea acestuia si speram ca va reprezenta un suport real pentru colegii profesori!

Fragment din cartea "Steps Towards The 9th Grade" de Ana Maria Vladau, Simona Moldovan, Oana Tiharau:

"25. Peter the Great

Peter the Great was Russia’s fourth Romanov Tzar. He had an enormous appetite for food and drink. Another ‘great’ aspect of his personality was his temper which was fearsome. But it was his thirst for knowledge combined with his vision of a new Russia that made him a great leader. In 1697, motivated by his desire to break free from the constrictions of old Russian customs, Peter travelled around Europe, learning valuable military and industrial skills

When he returned to Russia, Peter was determined to throw off the remnants of the past. In order to fulfill his dream of a modernised. Russia, he founded universities, established the country’s first newspaper and encouraged the development of industry. Before his death in 1725, Peter had had a new capital built and named it St. Petersburg. It was modelled on the western cities he most admired, like Paris and London, and it remained the capital until the First World War.

Tell the text briefly.

Was he a great leader? Why?

How did he fulfill his dream of modernizing Russia?

Do you think he was a great personality?Why?

29. Superstitions

Many superstitions are related to important events in our lives, such as birth, entering adulthood, marriage pregnancy and death. They ensure that we pass safely from one stage of our life to the next. For example, a person born on a Sunday will always have good luck. A bride and groom will have bad luck if they see each other on their wedding day before the ceremony. A pregnant woman must eat the right food, or she will give her child an unwanted birthmark. After a person dies, the doors and windows of the room should be opened so the spirit can leave.

Tell the text briefly.

Which is the difference between superstition and bad luck.

Do you believe in superstitions?

Are any of the superstitions mentioned in the text similar to superstitions in our culture?"

Nr pagini: 142

Format: 15x23

An aparitie: 2016

Editia: Brosata

Genuri literare: Literatura educativa, Manuale si cursuri

Autor: Ana Maria Vladau

Editura: Creator

ISBN: 9786068814124

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