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Using Multivariate Statistics - Barbara G. Tabachnick

Pearson New International Edition. Kindle Edition

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Descriere - Using Multivariate Statistics

Pearson New International Edition. Kindle Edition

A Practical Approach to using Multivariate Analyses

Using Multivariate Statistics, 6th edition provides advanced undergraduate as well as graduate students with a timely and comprehensive introduction to today's most commonly encountered statistical and multivariate techniques, while assuming only a limited knowledge of higher-level mathematics. This text’s practical approach focuses on the benefits and limitations of applications of a technique to a data set – when, why, and how to do it.

Learning Goals

Upon completing this book, readers should be able to:

- Learn to conduct numerous types of multivariate statistical analyses

- Find the best technique to use

- Understand Limitations to applications

- Learn how to use SPSS and SAS syntax and output

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Nr pagini: 38649 KB

An aparitie: 2013

Autor: Tabachnick, Barbara G.

Editura: Excellent English Education

ISBN: 9781292021317

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