The Gunpowder Plot. Reader and Delta Augmented - Francis G. Fawkes

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Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

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Descriere - The Gunpowder Plot. Reader and Delta Augmented

Guy loves everything about computers. In fact, he's a bit of a computer geek. He spends his pocket money on old computer technology and programs, and he spends most of his free time in his room trying out what he has bought. One day, on the way back from school, Guy buys a CD-ROM called The Gunpowder Plot. As soon as he starts the CD-ROM, he finds himself in London in 1605 - an important year as he soon finds out. As he is drawn into this world, Guy learns a lot more than just the facts about The Gunpowder Plot …

DELTA Readers Adventure is a series of exciting stories which take you into the different worlds the characters explore.

This reader includes:

explanations of new vocabulary directly at the bottom of each page

activities to check understanding and develop your language skills

Think about it: opportunities to reflect on what you have read

Find out more: questions and tasks designed to help you learn more about what you have read

Nr pagini: 71

Format: 19,8 x 12,8

An aparitie: 2020

Autor: Fawkes, Francis G.

Editura: Delta Publishing

ISBN: 9783125011151

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