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Work on Your Idioms (Second Edition) - Anderson, Sandra


-6.2 Lei
Work on Your Idioms (Second Edition)

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Nivel clasificare CEFR: B1
Nivel clasificare CEFR: C2

Work on Your Idioms (Second Edition)

Apreciere: 4.0/7 (4 voturi)
Status: In curs de aprovizionare
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 3 zile lucratoare

PRP:62,00 LeiAcesta este pretul recomandat de producator/ pretul de coperta. Pretul de vanzare este afisat mai jos
55,80 Lei
Diferența: 6.2 Lei

Descriere Specificatii

Descriere - Work on Your Idioms (Second Edition)

A workbook that introduces the most frequently used idioms in English and shows you how to use them effectively.


Collins Work on your Idioms is a new practice book for learners who want to increase the number of idioms they know and be confident in using them. Each unit presents students with a selection of idioms and clear examples of when and how to use them. This is followed by practice exercises to ensure the learner will be able to remember and use what they have learnt in their written and spoken English.


Collins Work on your Idioms features the 300 most commonly used idioms, which have been carefully selected based on Collins Corpus research. It provides plenty of useful practice with authentic, up-to-date examples of usage in context, and is ideal for use alongside an idioms dictionary such as the Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary.


Each idiom covered in depth to help learners know

how and when to use it correctly.

Fully updated with the 300 most common idioms carefully

chosen through frequency analysis of Collins COBUILD data

Idioms grouped into 25 themes, such as Communicating,

Money and Relationships, making them easier to memorize

Full-sentence dictionary definitions with example sentences

in an active self-study format

Practice exercises focus on meaning and usage

British English and American English variants

A comprehensive answer key

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Vezi alte carti scrise de Sandra Anderson

Alte carti de la editura HARPER COLLINS PUBLISHERS