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Materiale si Auxiliare Engleza

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Cambridge English Young Learners 2 for Revised Exam from 2018 Flyers Answer Booklet - Authentic Examination Papers
Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners from 2018. This Answer Booklet accompanies Cambridge English: Flyers 2 Student's Book and Audio CD. It contains answers for all three tests, the audioscripts and examples of the type of interchange to expect in the Speaking test. It also includes the Flyers Vocabulary list, organised by theme. An Audio CD (which contains the listening sections of the tests) and the Student's Book are available s...
PRP: 5,00 Lei  3,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Cambridge English Young Learners 2 for Revised Exam from 2018 Movers. Answer Booklet - Authentic Examination Papers
Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners from 2018.This Answer Booklet accompanies Cambridge English: Movers 2 Student's Book and Audio CD. It contains answers for all three tests, the audioscripts and examples of the type of interchange to expect in the Speaking test. It also includes the Movers Vocabulary list, organised by theme. An Audio CD (which contains the listening sections of the tests) and the Student's Book are available se...
PRP: 5,00 Lei  3,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Cambridge English Young Learners 2 for Revised Exam from 2018 Starters. Answer Booklet - Authentic Examination Papers
Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners from 2018.This Answer Booklet accompanies Cambridge English: Starters 2 Student's Book and Audio CD. It contains answers for all three tests, the audioscripts and examples of the type of interchange to expect in the Speaking test. It also includes the Starters Vocabulary list, organised by theme. An Audio CD (which contains the listening sections of the tests) and the Student's Book are availabl...
PRP: 5,00 Lei  3,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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The World of the Animals se adreseaza copiilor intre patru si zece ani care incep studiul limbii engleze. Citind aceasta carte si rezolvand exercitiile, copiii isi vor imbogati vocabularul, vor invata cum sa denumeasca animalele si mediile lor de viata, vor afla cu ce se hranesc ele si vor invata poezii amuzante. ISBN: 973-953-823-0 Nr pagini: 32 Anul aparitiei: 2005


PRP: 5,00 Lei  3,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Shopping Spree se adreseaza copiilor care au inceput deja studiul limbii engleze si care vor sa-si imbogateasca vocabularul cu cuvinte si expresii necesare intr-o situatie concreta, si anume atunci cand merg la cumparaturi. Copiii vor face cunostinta cu Ginny si Timmy, doi copii de varsta lor, si ii vor insoti in vizitele prin diferite magazine. Citind aceasta carte si rezolvand exercitiile, copiii se vor amuza si vor invata cum sa denumeasca in limba engleza magazinele si obiectele pe care le p...


PRP: 5,00 Lei  3,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Keep Trying. A Book of Grammar Practice with Key
Lucrarea „Keep Trying. A Book of Grammar Practice with Key“ se adreseaza atat elevilor care se pregatesc pentru sustinerea probei de limba engleza la bacalaureat, cat si celor care vor sustine un concurs de admitere in invatamantul superior. Exercitiile propuse sunt variate, acoperind totalitatea notiunilor de baza ale gramaticii limbii engleze, iar cheia exercitiilor de la sfarsitul culegerii permite verificarea nivelului cunostintelor acumulate. Anul aparitiei: 2009 Autor: M...


PRP: 8,00 Lei  6,32 LeiAdauga in cos
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Having fun with english - Volumul 1. Clasele I-IV
Lucrarea – o alternativa a cartilor traditionale de invatare a limbii engleze,dar cu aceeasi finalitate – se adreseaza, in primul rand, elevilor de toate varstele care au un nivel mediu de cunoastere a limbii engleze; pe langa varietatea posibilitatilor de utilizare a cartii, continutul acesteia ajuta la imbogatirea vocabularului, a modalitatilor idiomatice de vorbire si scriere, descoperind cititorului universul bogat al umorului englezesc.An aparitie: 2005Nr. pagini: 64Format: 210x...


PRP: 9,99 Lei  7,49 LeiAdauga in cos
Timpurile verbale in limba engleza. Pliant
Pliantul contine informatii despre formarea si utilizarea celor mai importante 12 timpuri verbale precum si cuvintele si expresiile cu care sunt folosite.A


PRP: 10,00 Lei  9,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gramatica limbii engleze. Pliant
Pliantul contine notiuni despre:- Articol- Substantiv- Adjectiv- Adverb- Numeral- Verb- Pronume- Conjunctie- Prepozitie


PRP: 10,00 Lei  9,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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The Pocket guide to English language. Memorator de buzunar clasele I-IV
Ghidul de buzunar pentru limba engleza reprezinta un material util pentru recapitulare si aprofundare a noutiunilor de gramatica si de vocabular studiate la clasa.


PRP: 10,00 Lei  8,20 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza Access 1 Grammar Key Beginner (A1)
Raspunsurile la gramatica Nivel: Beginner CEF Level: A1 Autori: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
PRP: 10,00 Lei  8,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza Access 3 Test Booklet Key Pre-Intermediate (B1)
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading texts. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Writing practice. - Listening and speaking skills. - Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module. - Self-check sections. - Songs and games. - ICT (Information & Communication Technol...
PRP: 10,00 Lei  8,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza Access 2 Test Booklet Key
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading texts. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Writing practice. - Listening and speaking skills. - Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module. - Self-check sections. - Songs and games. - ICT (Information & Communication Technol...
PRP: 10,00 Lei  8,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Dictionar de sinonime. Limba Engleza
Foarte utila elevilor de liceu si gimnaziu, dar si celor interesati sa isi perfectioneze exprimarea scrisa si orala in limba engleza, lucrarea cuprinde o gama variata de sinonime pentru mai bine de 760 de cuvinte.


PRP: 10,00 Lei  9,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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Dictionar de antonime. Limba Engleza
Foarte utila elevilor de liceu si gimnaziu, dar si celor interesati sa isi perfectioneze exprimarea scrisa si orala in limba engleza, lucrarea cuprinde o gama variata de antonime pentru mai bine de 700 de cuvinte.
PRP: 10,00 Lei  8,80 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza Access 2 Elementary (A2) Grammar Key
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading texts. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Writing practice. - Listening and speaking skills. - Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module. - Self-check sections. - Songs and games. - ICT (Information & Communication Technol...
PRP: 10,00 Lei  9,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Curs limba engleza Access 3 Plus - Grammar Book Key Pre-Intermediate (B1)
PRP: 10,00 Lei  9,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Dictionar de animale englez-roman
Dupa ani de predare la clasele primare am observat marea placere a copiilor de a desena animale si de a invata denumirile lor in engleza. Acest sumar dictionar vine in intampinarea dorintelor elevilor de a avea o privire de ansamblu a mai multor animale din tara noastra dar si de pe alte meleaguri. Animale cunoscute sau nu, pasari si reptile, insecte si pesti se regasesc aici. Aceasta carte se vrea un mic ghid in lumea fascinanta a vietatilor mari si mici. Anul aparitiei : 2009 Nr.pagini: 6...


PRP: 10,00 Lei  7,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Limbi straine. Limba engleza pentru clasele II-V - Exersez 10 minute pe zi
Caietul contine exercitii care pot fi rezolvate in doar 10 minute si ajuta copilul sa-si foloseasca eficient timpul de studiu.CONTINUT EXERSEZ! • LIMBA ENGLEZA: -Exersarea vocabularului; -Substantivul; -Articolul; -Pronumele personal; -Adjectivul; -Verbul: TO BE; TO HAVE si TO HAVE GOT; CAN; Prezentul Simplu si Prezentul Continuu; Imperativul; -Adverbul: always, never, often, usually, in, on, near, under, behind.Caietul se adreseaza in special copiilor care sunt deja familiarizati cu limba ...


PRP: 10,50 Lei  7,35 LeiAdauga in cos
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