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Materiale si Auxiliare Engleza

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Oliver Twist. Story adapted by H.Q. Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 3
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English at Pre-Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryNo. of pages : 79Year : 2009
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
The Tempest. Story adapted by H.Q Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 5
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English at Upper-Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossary
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Jekyll and Hide. Story adapted by H.Q. Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 4
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryNo. of pages : 71Year : 2008
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
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The Man Who Would Be King. Story adapted by H.Q Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 4
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossary
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
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Wuthering Heights. Story adapted by H.Q. Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 4
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding. The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter. Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossary No. of pages : 71 Year : 2012
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
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Kidnapped. Adapted by H.Q. Mitchell (Top Readers level 3) with CD
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Pre-Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding. The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter. Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossary No. of pages : 71 Year : 2009
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
The African Queen. Story adapted by H.Q Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 4
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryNo. of pages : 79Year : 2008
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
20000 Leagues Under the Sea. Story adapted by H.Q. Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 2
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Elementary level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryNo. of pages : 63Year : 2008
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthurs Court. Story adapted by H.Q. Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 2
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Elementary level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryNo. of pages : 55Year : 2009
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
The Railway Children. Story adapted by H.Q. Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 2
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Elementary level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryNo. of pages : 59Year : 2010
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
A Midsummer Nigts Dream. Story adapted by H.Q Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 5
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossary
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
The Coral Island. Story adapted by H.Q. Mitchel. Readers pack with CD level 4
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryNo. of pages : 71Year : 2012
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
Moby Dick. Story adapted by H.Q. Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 5
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English at Upper-Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossary
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
Swallows and Amazons. Story adapted by H.Q Mitchell. Readers pack with CD level 3
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Pre-Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding. The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter. Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossary No. of pages : 64 Year : 2014
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
The Creepin Man. Story adapted by H.Q. Mitchel. Readers pack with CD level 5
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English at Upper-Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryNo. of pages : 87Year : 2008
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
David Copperfield. Story adapted by H.Q Mitchel. Readers pack with CD level 4
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Intermediate level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryNo. of pages : 71Year : 2014
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
Lisa in New York - Top Readers level 1(Readers pack with CD)
A classic story carefully adapted to suit the needs of learners of English Beginner level. A large number of full-colour illustrations facilitate understanding.The actvity section contains a variety of tasks on each chapter.Components : Students Book (Story Book and Activity Section), Audio CD, Multilingual glossaryYear : 2012
PRP: 21,00 Lei  17,85 LeiAdauga in cos
Curs pentru limba engleza Happy Hearts Starter Song CD
Happy Hearts is a three-level course for three to six year old children. The course develops the listening, speaking and pre-writing / pre-reading skills of young learners through art, music and movement. It provides a simple but steady development of new language through a carefully graded syllabus and features engaging characters including Billy, Molly and Kenny the cat, that will appeal to all children of pre-school age. Audio support containing songs from the student manual (include...
PRP: 21,00 Lei  19,95 LeiAdauga in cos
Engleza. Exercitii de vocabular pe baza textelor pentru clasele V-VIII
English Short Texts with Vocabulary Exercises. Exercitii de vocabular pe baza textelor pentru clasele V-VIIIse adreseaza elevilor care studiaza limba engleza in ciclul gimnazial si doresc sa aprofundeze cunostintele dobandite la clasa.Lucrarea de fata este potrivita pentru a servi drept culegere, devenind un excelent auxiliar al manualelor scolare.Exercitiile variate realizate pe baza textelor, insotite de ilustratii atractive, contribuie la imbunatatirea vocabularului si a exprimarii in limba e...


PRP: 21,90 Lei  13,14 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
English for kids, caiet de lucru pentru clasa a II-a, editia a V-a
Aprobat conform Ordin 3530/04.04.2018 privind aprobarea auxiliarelor didactice din invatamantul preuniversitar-pozitia 51 Caietul de lucru este un instrument indispensabil pentru predarea notiunilor introductive de limba engleza. Usor de utilizat si eficient structurat, acesta contine: - elemente de imbogatire a vocabularului de baza - primele notiuni de gramatica - modele uzuale de comunicare - cantece, poezii si activitati de desenat Tematica: formulele de salut, familia, obiectele din c...
PRP: 22,90 Lei  20,15 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc