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Materiale si Auxiliare Engleza

Big bugs 2 Pupils book
Big Bugs is a new four-level story-based course for primary children (ages 9-12).Big Bugs 1 and 2 provide continuity and progression by recycling and developing language learnt at the early stages of primary. There are eight story-based units with extra materials for key festivals in the year. These fascinating stories help to contextualize new language and provide opportunities for the children to communicate in English. Author: Elisenda Papiol, Maria TothYear : 2011Format: 22x27No. of pages : ...


PRP: 75,00 Lei  71,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Big Bugs 2 Activity Book
Big Bugs is a new four-level story-based course for primary children (ages 9-12).Big Bugs 1 and 2 provide continuity and progression by recycling and developing language learnt at the early stages of primary. There are eight story-based units with extra materials for key festivals in the year. These fascinating stories help to contextualize new language and provide opportunities for the children to communicate in English. Author: Elisenda Papiol, Maria TothYear : 2011Format : 22x27No. of pages :...


PRP: 48,00 Lei  45,60 LeiAdauga in cos