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Materiale si Auxiliare Engleza

Kondro, Magdalena
Tip afisare:
Hot Spot 4 Teachers Book with Test CD
Hot Spot is a communicative course with an accessible grammar syllabus designed to address the needs of young teenagers. Fun and engaging, it makes the most of the growing identity of the young teenager through motivating texts andstories. Anul aparitiei: 2012 Format: 21x30 Nr. pagini: 145


PRP: 79,00 Lei  75,05 LeiAdauga in cos
Hot Spot 3 Teachers Book with Test CD
Hot Spot is a communicative course with an accessible grammar syllabus designed to address the needs of young teenagers. Fun and engaging, it makes the most of the growing identity of the young teenager through motivating texts andstories. Anul aparitiei: 2012 Format: 21x30 Nr. pagini: 145


PRP: 156,00 Lei  148,20 LeiAdauga in cos