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Students Book Stage 5. Collins International Primary English as a Second Language - Gibbs, Kathryn


-3.8 Lei
Students Book Stage 5. Collins International Primary English as a Second Language

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Nivel clasificare CEFR: A1
Nivel clasificare CEFR: A2

Students Book Stage 5. Collins International Primary English as a Second Language

Apreciere: 3.0/7 (10 voturi)
Status: In curs de aprovizionare
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 3 zile lucratoare

PRP:38,00 LeiAcesta este pretul recomandat de producator/ pretul de coperta. Pretul de vanzare este afisat mai jos
34,20 Lei
Diferența: 3.8 Lei

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Descriere - Students Book Stage 5. Collins International Primary English as a Second Language

Written with a range of international contexts in mind, this highly flexible, six-level course provides coverage of the Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language curriculum framework. Comprising an appealing, magazine style Student Book, extensive Workbook and supportive Teacher Guide, the course offers progression within and across levels.

The Student's Books have been carefully designed to engage and inspire learners, and get them thinking and talking about themselves and about the world around them.
 The books are visually appealing, with the look and feel of a magazine rather than a textbook, and include a range of carefully selected fiction and non-fiction reading texts covering interesting topics for the age group.
 The texts, along with engaging illustrations and photographs, activate learners' imaginations and help create an inclusive environment, providing them with the opportunity to contribute their own knowledge and experiences to the lesson, whatever their level of English.
 Learners are challenged to think deeply and communicate their ideas and opinions, which builds confidence and increases enjoyment.
 Audio files are available as a free download so that learners can listen to the reading texts and accompanying songs whenever they like.

Pentru orice solicitare contactati departamentul Suport Clienti, de luni pana vineri in intervalul 9-18. intelege importanta informatiilor prezentate in aceasta pagina si face eforturi permanente pentru a le pastra actualizate. Singura situatie in care informatiile prezentate pot fi diferite fata de cele ale produsului este aceea in care producatorul aduce modificari specificatiilor acestuia, fara a ne informa in prealabil.

Vezi alte carti scrise de Kathryn Gibbs

Alte carti de la editura HARPER COLLINS PUBLISHERS