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Materiale si Auxiliare Engleza

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Where s Fluffy? Little Books level 2 reader with CD
Little Books is a series aimed at kindergarten learners of English. The stories are based on topics which children love. The illustrations are colourful and attractive, making children want to listen. Key features Designed for very young learners (3-7 years of age) Three levels available Stories that feature high-frequency words Full-colour illustrations Rhyme/Song at the end of each reader An activity page to practise the main vocabulary No. of pages :19 Year : 2011...
PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Zoom In level 3 Workbook with CD-Rom
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment. The Workbook contains : Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Students Book Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication and personalised activities Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids and stickers) Three revision units ...
PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Zoom In level 5 Workbook with CD-Rom
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment. The Workbook contains : Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Students Book Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication and personalised activities Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids) Three revision units No. of page...
PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Zoom In level 4 Workbook with CD-Rom
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment. The Workbook contains : Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Students Book Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication and personalised activities Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids) Three revision units A sel...
PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Zoom In level 6 Workbook with CD-Rom
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment. The Workbook contains : Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Students Book Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication and personalised activities Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids) Three revision units No. ...
PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Zoom In level 2 Workbook with CD-Rom
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment. The Workbook contains : An introductory unit Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Students Book Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication and personalised activities Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids and stickers)...
PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Zoom In level 1 Workbook with CD-rom
Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment. The Workbook contains : An introductory unit Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Students Book Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication and personalised activities Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids and stickers) T...
PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Cum sa scrii o compunere in limba engleza - Auxiliar de sprijin in vederea dezvoltarii deprinderilor de scris in limba engleza la elevii de gimnaziu
In ziua de azi elevii nu pot comunica eficient prin intermediul cuvantului scris. De aceea, auxiliarul “Cum sa scrii o compunere in limba engleza” se adreseaza copiilor de gimnaziu si are drept scop oferirea de modele de compuneri narative, scrisori si eseuri in limba engleza in vederea insusirii anumitor tehnici, dezvoltarii creativitatii si imbunatatirii deprinderilor de exprimare in scris.Nr. de pagini : 65Anul aparitiei : 2016


Limba engleza pentru incepatorii mici, anul I de studiu
Limba engleza pentru incepatorii mici, anul I de studiu. Cartea contine Peste 150 de variante de exercitii, jocuri antrenante si amuzante, scurte explicatii de gramatica, precum si variate posibilitati de insusire a unui vocabular diversificat si adecvat universului preocuparior elevului. Materialul devine, astfel, un ajutor atractiv si util pentru lucrul in clasa, alaturi de profesor, dar este si o sursa generoasa de teme pentru acasa. Elevii care parcurg primul an de studiu al limbii ...
Limba engleza - exersare si aprofundare - anul al II-lea de studiu
Limba engleza - exersare si aprofundare - anul al II-lea de studiu Cartea contine peste 150 de variante de exercitii, jocuri antrenante si amuzante, scurte explicatii de gramatica, precum si variate posibilitati de insusire a unui vocabular diversificat si adecvat universului preocuparilor elevilor. Pentru pregatirea elevilor care doresc sa se inscrie, in clasa a V-a, la clasele cu predare intensiva a limbii engleze, am intocmit, conform metodologiei de selectie, un set de 20 de teste, ins...
444 idiomuri si expresii in limba engleza cu exercitii
Life is just a bowl of cherries. 444 idiomuri si expresii in limba engleza cu exercitii. „Expresiile idiomatice sunt, as spune, „sarea si piperul" intr-o limba. Regsesti in ele intelepciunea si filosofia de viat a poporului, spiritul lui satiric, sarmul personalittii lui, acel ceva - subtil si inefabil - care-l defineste, apropiindu-l sau deosebindu-l de alte popoare. Ciudat este cum mesajul de viat, comun cu al altor neamuri, se regseste intr-o dantelrie de structuri si comb...


Pathway to Success. Teste pentru examenul de bilingv. Clasele 7-8 - Loredana Ivan
Pathway to Success se adreseaza elevilor din clasele a VII-a si a VIII-a, care urmaresc sustinerea examenului de bilingv. Caietul ofera o gama larga si variata de exercitii cuprinse in 10 teste, realizate dupa modelul probelor scrise de la examenul de bilingv, elevii avand astfel posibilitatea de a-si evalua cunostintele de limba engleza, de a aprofunda notiunile de gramatica, de a-si imbogati vocabularul, dar si de a se autoevalua (exercitiile fiind rezolvate in intregime).Parcurgand exercitiil...


PRP: 16,00 Lei  14,08 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Access 3 Test Booklet Pre-Intermediate (Level B1)
Include 12 teste fotocopiable, cu bareme de corectare si activitati de vocabular, gramatica, conversatie, citit, scris si ascultat. Raspunsurile testelor se afla in Teacher’s Resource Pack and Tests, material in care aceste teste sunt incluse. Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of readin...
PRP: 16,00 Lei  13,60 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Curs limba engleza Access 1 Test Booklet Beginner (A1)
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading texts. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Writing practice. - Listening and speaking skills. - Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module. - Self-check sections. - Songs and games. - ICT (Information & Communication Technol...
PRP: 16,00 Lei  13,60 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Access 3 Test Booklet Intermediate (Level B1)
Include 12 teste fotocopiable, cu bareme de corectare si activitati de vocabular, gramatica, conversatie, citit, scris si ascultat. Raspunsurile testelor se afla in Teacher’s Resource Pack and Tests, material in care aceste teste sunt incluse. Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: -Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading...
PRP: 16,00 Lei  15,20 LeiAdauga in cos
Test your reading comprehension in English
This book aims at giving the students the opportunity to develop and assess reading comprehesion skills necessary to take the English language admittance test for the intensive or bilingual classes or the Cambridge First Certificate in English(FCE examination). - For optional classes - For middle and secondary school - For intensive and bilingual classes - For FCE exams - For topic-based conversation Contents: Section 1 Reading Comprehension Section 2 Reading Comprehension for Camb...


London Adventures, part II. Limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a (Edu App)
Aventura prin Londra continua pentru cei cinci prieteni. Vor intalni personaje noi si vor descoperi locuri minunate in noul pachet educational „London Adventures - Limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a” (partea a II-a). Pachetul educational este elaborat dupa noua programa scolara, fiind format dintr-un auxiliar (64 de pagini color) si o aplicatie educativa pentru Windows. Anna, George si Erica isi vor face prieteni noi, alaturi de care vor merge la film, la zoo, in parcul de distract...


17,00 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Start english. Aventura urbana, limba engleza pentru clasa pregatitoare (Edu App)
Echipa MEM e pregatita pentru o aventura urbana plina de umor si peripetii. Celor trei eroi simpatici, Muzo, Elina si Muri, li se alatura agentul secret Happy. Venit tocmai din Londra, acesta trebuie sa-l descopere pe cel care a furat toate informatiile secrete ale agentiei. Misiunea e cu atat mai complicata cu cat Happy vorbeste doar limba engleza. Desi merg pe piste gresite si gasesc indicii aparent ciudate, simpaticele personaje reusesc sa duca la bun sfarsit aceasta misiune, iar finalul est...


17,00 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Limba engleza, pentru clasele a III-a si a IV-a. Super English 3 - The Time Machine (Contine CD cu soft educational)
"EDU Super English 3 – The Time Machine” se adreseaza elevilor din ciclul primar (clasele a III-a si a IV-a) si primelor clase de gimnaziu (clasele a V-a si a VI-a). Pachetul educational este format dintr-un un CD (soft educational continand 18 lectii interactive, 90 de planse didactice si 54 de jocuri, aplicatii si exercitii), o revista - manual (36 pag. - format A4, policromie) si jocul didactic "Face Race”. "EDU Super English 3 – The Time Machine” este o interesa...


17,00 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Quaderno operativo di linguaggi specialistici e settoriali
RIFERIMENTI 1. Francesco Algarotti, Viaggi di Russia, Guanda, 1991. 2. Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Carocci Editore, 2016. 3. Pellegrino Artusi, La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene, Bemporad, Firenze, 1891. 4. San Francesco d'Assisi, Cantico di Frate Sole, 1224 circa, il testo è tratto da G. Contini, Poeti del Duecento, Milano-Napoli 1960. 5. Danielle Bartoli, L'uomo di lettere, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015. 6. Leon Battista Alberti, Della famiglia, Kkien...
PRP: 17,00 Lei  13,60 LeiAdauga in cos