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Materiale si Auxiliare Engleza

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Happy Street: 1 New Edition: Teacher's Book
Happy uses different kinds of learning strategies to match children's changing development and learning styles.Start the learning journey in the reassuring setting of Happy House.Introduce children to reading and writing English in the wider world of Happy Street.Explore a world of fascinating facts with the topic-based approach of Happy Earth.Happy at all levels of primary! Numar pagini: 128 Anul aparitiei:2009...
PRP: 78,00 Lei  39,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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English with dusty. Caiet de lucru pentru incepatori
Dragi copii si parinti, vreti sa invatati limba engleza in forma de joc? Dusty va poate ajuta! Urmati-l pe acest personaj amuzant pentru a exersa scrierea cifrelor si a denumirilor hainelor, cladirilor, profesiilor, jucariilor etc. Cuvintele incrucisate, jocurile, exercitiile de colorat incluse in acest caiet fac invatarea usoara si interesanta. Mult succes!Anul aparitiei: 2015Numar pagini: 48


PRP: 12,00 Lei  9,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Be the Best! Admitere politie, liceu, BAC
Be the Best! este o culegere de teste ce se adreseaza tuturor acelora care doresc sa isi aprofundeze si sa isi verifice cunostintele de limba engleza, in vederea participarii la testari, concursuri sau examene. Grilele fixeaza cunostintele de gramatica si vocabular acumulate in liceu si acopera intreaga programa pentru clasele IX-XII si BAC.Lucrarea contine 25 de teste grila cu exercitii diversificate, dupa modelul celor de la Academia de Politie si de la Scolile de Agenti de Politie. Testele 14...


PRP: 30,00 Lei  23,70 LeiAdauga in cos
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London Adventures, part II. Limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a (Edu App)
Aventura prin Londra continua pentru cei cinci prieteni. Vor intalni personaje noi si vor descoperi locuri minunate in noul pachet educational „London Adventures - Limba engleza pentru clasa a III-a” (partea a II-a). Pachetul educational este elaborat dupa noua programa scolara, fiind format dintr-un auxiliar (64 de pagini color) si o aplicatie educativa pentru Windows. Anna, George si Erica isi vor face prieteni noi, alaturi de care vor merge la film, la zoo, in parcul de distract...


17,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Start english. Aventura urbana, limba engleza pentru clasa pregatitoare (Edu App)
Echipa MEM e pregatita pentru o aventura urbana plina de umor si peripetii. Celor trei eroi simpatici, Muzo, Elina si Muri, li se alatura agentul secret Happy. Venit tocmai din Londra, acesta trebuie sa-l descopere pe cel care a furat toate informatiile secrete ale agentiei. Misiunea e cu atat mai complicata cu cat Happy vorbeste doar limba engleza. Desi merg pe piste gresite si gasesc indicii aparent ciudate, simpaticele personaje reusesc sa duca la bun sfarsit aceasta misiune, iar finalul est...


17,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Play English - Workbook for beginners Level 4 (Editie 2016)
Aprobat de MEN prin OM 3530/04.04.2018.Caietul de limba engleza se adreseaza elevilor din clasa a IV-a si poate fi folosit in completarea oricarui manual de pe piata, dar si independent, atat pentru activitatea la clasa, cat si pentru teme.


PRP: 17,99 Lei  14,75 LeiAdauga in cos
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The Noun - English Grammar Practice 1 (Editie 2018)
Avizat MEN 3022/2018.English Grammar Practice - The noun se adreseaza elevilor care studiaza gramatica limbii engleze la nivel incepator si intermediar, fiind un instrument de lucru cuprinzator si usor de consultat, atat individual cat si la clasa.Conceput ca un caiet de lucru, materialul abordeaza grupul nominal si determinantii sai (articolul si adjectivul), adverbul, pronumele, WH Questions, numeralul, prepozitia, conectori uzuali si modaliati de creare a unor cuvinte, urmate de exercitii ant...
PRP: 31,90 Lei  28,07 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Aim High 2 Teachers Book
ACTIVATE your students' knowledge of English through rich and motivating texts, vocabulary from the Oxford 3000 TM word list, essential grammar and skills, and effective study strategies. EXTEND your students' vocabulary and skills through the Dictionary Corner sections, and the Student's CD-ROM with over 180 self-study activities. DISCOVER new ways to engage students with Aim High iTools — a comprehensive digital teaching resource for easy classroom management. ACHIEVE exam success with e...
PRP: 112,00 Lei  56,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Aim High 4 Teachers Book
ACTIVATE your students' knowledge of English through rich and motivating texts, vocabulary from the Oxford 3000 TM word list, essential grammar and skills, and effective study strategies. EXTEND your students' vocabulary and skills through the Dictionary Corner sections, and the Student's CD-ROM with over 180 self-study activities. DISCOVER new ways to engage students with Aim High iTools — a comprehensive digital teaching resource for easy classroom management. ACHIEVE exam success with e...
PRP: 112,00 Lei  56,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Aim High Level 3 Teachers Book
ACTIVATE your students' knowledge of English through rich and motivating texts, vocabulary from the Oxford 3000 TM word list, essential grammar and skills, and effective study strategies. EXTEND your students' vocabulary and skills through the Dictionary Corner sections, and the Student's CD-ROM with over 180 self-study activities. DISCOVER new ways to engage students with Aim High iTools — a comprehensive digital teaching resource for easy classroom management. ACHIEVE exam success with e...
PRP: 112,00 Lei  56,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Aim High Level 5 Teachers Book
ACTIVATE your students' knowledge of English through rich and motivating texts, vocabulary from the Oxford 3000 TM word list, essential grammar and skills, and effective study strategies. EXTEND your students' vocabulary and skills through the Dictionary Corner sections, and the Student's CD-ROM with over 180 self-study activities. DISCOVER new ways to engage students with Aim High iTools — a comprehensive digital teaching resource for easy classroom management. ACHIEVE exam success with e...
PRP: 112,00 Lei  56,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Aim High 1 Teachers Book
ACTIVATE your students' knowledge of English through rich and motivating texts, vocabulary from the Oxford 3000 TM word list, essential grammar and skills, and effective study strategies. EXTEND your students' vocabulary and skills through the Dictionary Corner sections, and the Student's CD-ROM with over 180 self-study activities. DISCOVER new ways to engage students with Aim High iTools — a comprehensive digital teaching resource for easy classroom management. ACHIEVE exam success with e...
PRP: 112,00 Lei  56,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Aim High 6 Teachers Book (With Test Bank CD-ROM)
ACTIVATE your students' knowledge of English through rich and motivating texts, vocabulary from the Oxford 3000 TM word list, essential grammar and skills, and effective study strategies. EXTEND your students' vocabulary and skills through the Dictionary Corner sections, and the Student's CD-ROM with over 180 self-study activities. DISCOVER new ways to engage students with Aim High iTools — a comprehensive digital teaching resource for easy classroom management. ACHIEVE exam success with e...
PRP: 97,00 Lei  48,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Right on! 4 Workbook with Digibook app. Caiet de limba engleza, Intermediate (B1)
Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world. Key Features: - Themed based modules. - Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - ...
PRP: 47,00 Lei  39,95 LeiAdauga in cos
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Right on! 1 Teachers Book. Manualul profesorului, Level Beginner (A1)
Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world. Key Features: - Themed based modules. - Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - ...
PRP: 204,00 Lei  173,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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Right on! 1 Workbook with Digibook app. Caiet de limba engleza, level Beginner (A1)
Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world. Key Features: - Themed based modules. - Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - ...
PRP: 47,00 Lei  39,95 LeiAdauga in cos
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Right on! 1 Students book. Manual de limba engleza, Beginner (A1)
Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world. Key Features: - Themed based modules. - Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - ...
PRP: 60,00 Lei  51,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Right on! 2 Teachers Book. Manualul profesorului - Elementary A2
Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world.Key Features: - Themed based modules. - Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - Gr...
PRP: 204,00 Lei  173,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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Right on! 2 Workbook with Digibook app. Caiet de limba engleza, Elementary (A2)
Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world. Key Features: - Themed based modules. - Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - ...
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
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Right on! 2 Students book. Manual de limba engleza, Elementary (Level A2)
Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world. Key Features: - Themed based modules. - Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - ...
PRP: 60,00 Lei  57,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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