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Materiale si Auxiliare Engleza

Evans, Virginia
Tip afisare:
New Round-Up 5. Student s Book
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up Student's Book sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poat...


PRP: 86,00 Lei  83,42 LeiAdauga in cos
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On Screen 3. Workbook & Grammar Book ( Digibook app)
On Screen is a series of nine courses for learners of English at beginner to proficiency level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features - An integrated approach to the development of all four language skills - Notions and functions - Vocabulary presentation and practice - Variety of reading, listening and speaking tasks - Grammar presentation in context - Activities encouraging critical thinking as well as web r...
PRP: 59,00 Lei  56,05 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza On Screen 1 Workbook and Grammar with Digibook App.
On Screen is a series of nine courses for learners of English at beginner to proficiency level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features - An integrated approach to the development of all four language skills - Notions and functions - Vocabulary presentation and practice - Variety of reading, listening and speaking tasks - Grammar presentation in context - Activities encouraging critical thinking as well as web r...
PRP: 59,00 Lei  50,15 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Fairyland 5 Class CDs (3 CDs)
Curs de limba engleza Fairyland 5 Class CDs (3 CDs) Componenta audio pentru manualul Fairyland 5. Contine activitatile de listening din manualul elevului si caietul elevului.
PRP: 60,00 Lei  51,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Fairyland 5 Teachers Resource Pack
Materialul aditional pentru profesor, consta in activitati suplimentare si de consolidare a elementelor prezentate in manualul elevului, sub forma de proiecte sau sabloane - pentru activitatile de lucru manual din curs. Include fise de imagini pentru invatarea si exersarea alfabetului limbii engleze si teste pentru a recapitula cunostintele din fiecare unitate de invatare, precum si variante de teste pentru fiecare modul in parte si un test de evaluare finala....
PRP: 84,00 Lei  71,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Fairyland 5 Vocabulary and Grammar Practice
Fairyland 5 Vocabulary & Grammar Practice is specially designed to help pupils consolidate the language introduced in the Pupil`s Book.Key features- All new words and phrases listed for translation- Key grammar points explained in English- Lexical and grammar exercises for each module in two sections (Vocabulary Practice, Grammar Practice)
PRP: 59,00 Lei  50,15 LeiAdauga in cos
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Access 1 Class CD, set 3 CD-uri. Curs Limba Engleza Beginner (A1)
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading texts. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Writing practice. - Listening and speaking skills. - Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module. - Self-check sections. - Songs and games. - ICT (Information & Communication Technol...
PRP: 63,00 Lei  53,55 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs Limba Engleza Access 4 Class CD. Set 4 CD-uri Intermediate (B1)
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading texts. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Writing practice. - Listening and speaking skills. - Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module. - Self-check sections. - Songs and games. - ICT (Information & Communication Technol...
PRP: 93,00 Lei  79,05 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza Access 2 Teachers Book Elementary (A2)
Manualul profesorului este interleaved, contine sugestii pentru abordarea lectiilor din manualul elevului, raspunsurile exercitiilor si tapescripturile activitatilor de listening din Student’s Book si din Workbook (caiet de activitati), activitati suplimentare de listening, vocabular, gramatica. Introducerea prezinta rolul acestui curs, componentele lui si rolul lor, structura cursului si obiectivele sale, sugestii de predare si de evaluare. De asemenea, sunt incluse pagini de teorie grama...
PRP: 73,00 Lei  62,05 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs Limba Engleza Access 2 Class CD - Set 4 CD-uri Elementary (A2)
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading texts. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Writing practice. - Listening and speaking skills. - Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module. - Self-check sections. - Songs and games. - ICT (Information & Communication Technol...
PRP: 79,00 Lei  67,15 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs limba engleza Access 3 Pachetul elevului. Students Book (+ ieBook), nivel Pre-Intermediate (B1)
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading texts. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Writing practice. - Listening and speaking skills. - Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module. - Self-check sections. - Songs and games. - ICT (Information & Communication Technol...
PRP: 77,00 Lei  73,15 LeiAdauga in cos
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Pachetul elevului Access 4. Curs limba engleza, nivel Intermediate (B1) - Students Book (+ ieBook)
Access is a four-level course designed for learners studying English at beginner to intermediate level. Each level consists of 10 modules and is designed to be covered in 80 hours. Key Features: - Theme-based units in modules. - Variety of reading texts. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Writing practice. - Listening and speaking skills. - Culture Corner and CLIL sections at the end of each module. - Self-check sections. - Songs and games. - ICT (Information & Communication Technol...
PRP: 77,00 Lei  65,45 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de limba engleza Blockbuster 2. Audio Class CD (4 CDs)
Componenta audio pentru manualul Blockbuster 2. Contine activitatile din manualul elevului si caietul de activitati pentru dezvoltarea abilitatii de ascultare si intelegere a unui mesaj in limba engleza, precum si pentru imunatatirea pronuntiei. Blockbuster is designed for learners studying English at Beginner to Intermediate level. The series follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference and combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in th...
PRP: 79,00 Lei  67,15 LeiAdauga in cos
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New Round Up Level 3 - English Grammar Practice Teachers Book. With Audio CD
New Round-Up English Grammar Practice este o serie de culegeri de gramatica cu teorie si exercitii, adresata elevilor din invatamantul primar si gimnazial, structurata gradual pe sapte niveluri de invatare, incepand de la nivelul Starter pana la nivelul 6. Culegerile New Round-Up sunt avizate de Ministerul Educatiei pentru lucrul extins la clasa si pot fi folosite ca un manual, dupa orele de curs ca o carte de teme, iar pe timpul vacantei pentru recapitulare, deoarece elevul poate lucra pe aces...


PRP: 59,00 Lei  57,23 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs pentru limba engleza Happy Hearts 2 Pupils Pack (manualul elevului, multirom, fisa de lucru)
Curs de limba engleza pentru prescolari cu varsta cuprinsa intre 5 si 6 ani. Contine lectii si activitati frumos ilustrate care contribuie la dezvoltarea sociala, fizica, intelectuala, creativa si emotionala a copiilor. Personajele- copii si animale- trec prin situatii care ii ajuta pe cei mici sa descopere lumea din jur. Prin cantecele, jocuri, conversatii, activitati de colorat, desenat, decupat, lipit etc., prescolarii dobandesc cunostinte de baza ale limbii engleze, dezvoltandu-si abilitatil...
PRP: 60,00 Lei  57,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs pentru limba engleza Happy Hearts Starter Pictures Flashcards
Happy Hearts is a three-level course for three to six year old children. The course develops the listening, speaking and pre-writing / pre-reading skills of young learners through art, music and movement. It provides a simple but steady development of new language through a carefully graded syllabus and features engaging characters including Billy, Molly and Kenny the cat, that will appeal to all children of pre-school age.Auxiliary teaching material in the form of images plasticized removable r...
PRP: 88,00 Lei  74,80 LeiAdauga in cos
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Grammarway 4 SB. Curs de gramatica engleza Grammarway 4
Alcatuita din 12 unitati de invatare ilustrate color, fiecare centrandu-se pe o anumita structura gramaticala, contine elemente teoretice, modele de lucru si exercitii practice pentru asimilarea structurilor gramaticale ale limbii engleze: The Tenses, Modal Verbs, Clauses of Result- Time – Reason – Purpose – Contrast – Manner, Relatives, Reported Speech, Have Something Done, Nouns – Articles, Pronouns – Possessives – Demonstratives – Quantifiers, T...
PRP: 54,00 Lei  51,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Grammarway 3 SB. Curs de gramatica engleza Grammarway 3
Alcatuita din 16 unitati de invatare ilustrate color, fiecare centrandu-se pe o anumita structura gramaticala, contine elemente teoretice, modele de lucru si exercitii practice pentru asimilarea structurilor gramaticale ale limbii engleze: The Tenses, Modal Verbs, Clauses of Result- Time – Reason – Purpose – Contrast – Manner, Relatives, Reported Speech, Have Something Done, Nouns – Articles, Pronouns – Possessives – Demonstratives – Quantifiers, T...
PRP: 54,00 Lei  51,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Grammarway 3 SB with answers. Curs de gramatica engleza Grammarway cu raspunsuri
Alcatuita din 16 unitati de invatare ilustrate color, fiecare centrandu-se pe o anumita structura gramaticala, contine elemente teoretice, modele de lucru si exercitii practice pentru asimilarea structurilor gramaticale ale limbii engleze: The Tenses, Modal Verbs, Clauses of Result- Time – Reason – Purpose – Contrast – Manner, Relatives, Reported Speech, Have Something Done, Nouns – Articles, Pronouns – Possessives – Demonstratives – Quantifiers, T...
PRP: 67,00 Lei  63,65 LeiAdauga in cos
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