Matrix Introduction Workbook - Paula Kelly

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Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

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Descriere - Matrix Introduction Workbook

Description: New and improved edition of the challenging secondary course that prepares students for school-leaving exams.

New Matrix follows the principles of the previous edition, with emphasis on maximizing performance in the school-leaving exam through a focus on exam tasks and techniques and thought-provoking, demanding material.

Key features
* Popular features improved and updated in response to feedback from Matrix users.
* Systematic building of key vocabulary to cover up-to-date exam topics.
* Effective production: speaking practice in every lesson on a wide range of topics, and step-by-step guidance for writing a variety of text types.
* Grammar knowledge checked and activated in use.
* Strong focus on culture.
* Exam tips, techniques, and practice of exam-type tasks to give students confidence in the exam.

* The image displayed is of the main component of this series e.g. the student's book

Author: Kelly, P
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780194396325
Publication Date: 2008

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