Practise and Pass PET Students Book - Megan Roderick

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Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

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Cost livrare: 10.00 Lei

In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

Apreciere: 5.0/7 (2 voturi)
Status: Indisponibil
54,00 Lei

Descriere - Practise and Pass PET Students Book

Practise and Pass Preliminary for Schools is an exam preparation book for school-age students who are preparing for the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools examination. Practise and Pass Preliminary for Schools has been written for students who need to prepare and practise for the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools examination over a relatively short period or alongside another course book. It provides around 30 hours of material. Practise and Pass Preliminary for Schools focuses on exam preparation in a fun and interesting way, providing students with the necessary exam skills together with a wide-ranging revision of the essential vocabulary and grammatical structures required at this level. It is based on the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) for Schools syllabus. It is divided into three sections that cover the Reading & Writing, Listening and Speaking parts of the exam.
It is based on a three-step programme: Prepare, Practise and Pass: in the Prepare section, it introduces and revises key topic vocabulary, together with commonly-tested grammatical and lexical points; in the Practise section, students develop an understanding of what each exam question requires through a variety of confidence-building practice materials; in the Pass section, the language and skills they have acquired in the previous sections is tested in an exam-style task. It finishes with a comprehensive Practice Test covering the three exam areas: Reading & Writing, Listening and Speaking Components: Student''s Book (with complete Practice Test, plus irregular verb list); Teacher''s Book (with audio CD; key and tapescript; general tips and exam tips for the students; photocopiable extra Speaking practice material).

Nr pagini: 96 pages
Format: 206 x 292 x 12mm | 300g
Anul aparitiei: 11 Jun 2014

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