New Challenges 3 Students Book - David Mower

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In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

Apreciere: 3.4/7 (10 voturi)
Editura: LONGMAN
Status: Indisponibil
PRP:116,80 Lei
105,12 Lei
Diferența: 11.68 Lei ( -10% )

Descriere - New Challenges 3 Students Book

New Challengeshelps students become more effective learners and better citizens of the world through personal development. The information-driven approach in New Challengesencourages teenagers to think about the world around them and provides lively achievable tasks, building their confidence, creativity, participation and performance. With New Challengesteachers make lessons educational, successful and fun!

Studentsmove from a beginner level into secondary methodology which then prepares them for a more formal learning environment. Levels 1 and 2 cover the key objectives in the Council of Europes Waystage level (A2), corresponding to CESOLs KET exam. Levels 3 and 4 cover all the key objectives in the Council of Europes Threshold level (B1), corresponding to CESOL PET exam, as well as some of the objectives in the Vantage level (B2). The Workbook and Multi-ROM include preparation and practice for these exams.

Themes are:

related to students own world (friends, shopping, films, neighbours, holidays, sport)

cross-curricular (science and technology, history)

develop citizenship education (belonging and identity, diversity, awareness of disability)

about other cultures around the world (lifestyles, charity concerts, technology)


Get Readypage introduces topics

first lessonpresents grammar through reading texts and practice

second lessondevelops reading, presents vocabulary and practises speaking

third lessondevelops the story with a focus on speaking and listening

Across Cultureslessons with reading, speaking project work

Your Challenge writing tasks and Understanding Grammarspots

the end of every module has a language check and learner development spot

Fact or Fictiontexts extend students language by deciding whether information is true or false

Time Outmagazine with fun activities like puzzles, games and reading for pleasure.
Picture Dictionary
show more

ISBN: 1408258382
Nr pagini: 112 pages
Format: 213 x 296 x 5mm | 350g
Anul aparitiei: 01 Mar 2012

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