More Reading Power 3 Student Book - Linda Jeffries

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Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

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Editura: LONGMAN
Status: Indisponibil
PRP:210,50 Lei
189,45 Lei
Diferența: 21.05 Lei ( -10% )

Descriere - More Reading Power 3 Student Book

The new edition of Reading Power 3 is enhanced by research-based methods and activities for learning vocabulary. Longer reading passages and new study-reading activities, including outlining and text marking, prepare students to enter the world of academic reading.

Reading Powers unique process methodology teaches students to view reading as a process. The series encourages students to develope a strategiec approach to reading and to view reading in English as a problem-solving activity rather than a translation exercies.Reading Power delivers on that effective process approach with strategies and practice for strengthening comprehension skills, building vocabulary, increasing reading speed, and preparing for testing.

With expanded emphasis on vocabulary acquisition and learning strategies, and updated Extensive Reading sections, these new editions help beginning and intermediate-level students develop the multiple skills and strategies necessary for success.

At each level, students focus on four skill areas:

Extensive Reading (Reading for Pleasure) lets students select their own reading materials to practice new strategies, build fluency, increase comprehension, and broaden their vocabulary.
Vocabulary Building trains students in a variety of strategies for learning new words, from personalized vocabulary lists to noticing collocations.
Reading Comprehension covers skimming, scanning, recognizing topics and main ideas, understanding sentences, and making inferences. Critical Thinking Skills (upper levels) involves targeted practice in inferential and analytical skills.
Reading Faster helps students develop speed and flexibility in reading with high-interest, short fiction and non-fiction selections.

Also available - a separate Teachers Guide with Answer Key and Sample Syllabus for each level.
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ISBN: 9780132089036
Nr pagini: 304 pages
Format: 211 x 276 x 10mm | 562g
Anul aparitiei: 17 Sep 2011

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