Look 3 Students Book - Steve Elsworth

In Bucuresti - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

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Cost livrare: 10.00 Lei

In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

Apreciere: 2.0/7 (2 voturi)
Editura: LONGMAN
Status: Indisponibil
PRP:99,00 Lei
89,10 Lei
Diferența: 9.9 Lei ( -10% )

Descriere - Look 3 Students Book

Research shows that visualising can help students learn and retain more. Nowhere is an image worth more than a thousand words than in Look! - A new course for young teens with a fun, natural approach to grammar and vocabulary that will boost your students' innate ability to make strong, memorable visual connections.Look! will consistently support your students in those areas that are guaranteed to make a difference to their learning experience.Taking students from starter to intermediate level, Look! offers enjoyable easy-to-follow lessons designed to engage learners right from the start. Visual - a team of delightful 'Graphic Grammar' characters shows how grammar and vocabulary work making lessons fun and memorable. Clear - the course is stronger and clearer because it is simple. The straightforward lessons spark interest and engage learners right from the start. Flexible - accommodates the needs of classes with different levels of ability and interests. Varied - culture, songs, projects and revision all feature regularly.

Pages : 112
Year : 2009

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