Basic Reading Power 1 Student Book - Linda Jeffries

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Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

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Editura: LONGMAN
Status: Indisponibil
PRP:210,50 Lei
189,45 Lei
Diferența: 21.05 Lei ( -10% )

Descriere - Basic Reading Power 1 Student Book

Basic Reading Power 1 is a new and updated edition of the successful student-centered reading skills textbook Basic Reading Power. Its unique structure, featuring four parts to be used concurrently, allows beginning-level students (with a 300-word vocabulary) to develop the multiple sills and strategies involved in the reading process.


Extensive Reading helps students to build reading fluency, broaden knowledge of vocabulary and collocation, and gain confidence.
Vocabulary Building offers strategies for independent vocabulary learning such as dictionary work, guessing meaning from context, and learning how words work in sentences.
Comprehension Skills teaches reading skills such as recognizing words and phrases, scanning for information, and making inferences.
Thinking Skills provides practice in recognizing sentence structure and following the logic of ideas.

New to the Third Edition

An updated Extensive Reading section with new fables and stories, more activities for evaluating student progress, and a revised suggested reading list
Enhanced vocabulary features including new Focus on Vocabulary exercises and an expanded Vocabulary Building section

There is also a Teacher Guide with Answer Key and a Test Booklet for Basic Reading Power 1.

The Reading Power series also includes:

Reading Power 2 (4th Edition): Intermediate
More Reading Power 3: High-Intermediate
Advanced Reading Power 4: Advanced
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ISBN: 0138143897
Nr pagini: 240 pages
Format: 209 x 274 x 8mm | 440g
Anul aparitiei: 27 Jul 2009

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