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Tips for Teaching with CALL. Practical Approaches for Computer-Assisted Language Learning - Chapelle, Carol A.


-15.2 Lei
Tips for Teaching with CALL. Practical Approaches for Computer-Assisted Language Learning

Tips for Teaching with CALL. Practical Approaches for Computer-Assisted Language Learning

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Editura: LONGMAN
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288,80 Lei
Diferența: 15.2 Lei

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Descriere Specificatii

Descriere - Tips for Teaching with CALL. Practical Approaches for Computer-Assisted Language Learning

Tips for Teaching with CALL: Practical Approaches to Computer-Assisted Language Learning, introduces English language teachers to computer-assisted language learning, or CALL. This practical reference book links specific techniques for using CALL with contemporary CALL research. The book and companion CD-ROM clearly demonstrate why and how to use CALL to teach vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, speaking, communication skills, and content-based language.

Features of the Book:

Color screenshots of authentic CALL software, along with descriptions, level information, and notes, illustrate more than 100 real examples
Concrete tips at the beginning of each chapter help teachers get students working productively with electronic texts
What the research says and What the teacher can do sections link pedagogical research with classroom techniques
Specific topics covered in different chapters includeVocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Writing,Listening, Speaking, Communication Skills, and Content-Based Language
Focus questions at the end of each chapter guide teachers in selecting appropriate CALL activities for their students needs

Features of the CD-ROM:

Interactive video clips show application of tips from each chapter
Demonstration tips show students using authentic CALL software
Simulation tips guide teachers through using authentic CALL programs

System Requirements:

Windows(R) 2000/XP/Vista or Mac OSX (10.3 or higher)
Microsoft Internet Explorer(R) 6.x, SafariTM 1.x, Firefox(R) 1.x, Mozilla(R) 1.x, NetscapeTM 7.x or later
256 MB RAM minimum (512 MB recommended)
500 MB available hard drive space
Monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher
Sound card and speakers*CD-ROM drive (10x or faster)
Adobe(R) Flash(R) 8 plug-in or higher (Note: If your computer does not have this plug-in, and Internet connection is required for installation.)

ISBN: 9780132404280
Nr pagini: 256 pages
Format: 174 x 246 x 12mm | 400g
Anul aparitiei: 27 Mar 2008

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