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Test your vocabulary 1 NE (Peter Watcyn-Jones) - Peter, Watcyn-Jones


Test your vocabulary 1 NE (Peter Watcyn-Jones)

Test your vocabulary 1 NE (Peter Watcyn-Jones)
[Avizat MEN 2018]

Apreciere: 4.5/7 (12 voturi)
Editura: LONGMAN
Status: Epuizat

Descriere Specificatii

Descriere - Test your vocabulary 1 NE (Peter Watcyn-Jones)

Test Your Vocabulary  is the best-selling series of vocabulary practice books by Peter Watcyn-Jones. They are ideal for use in the classroom or for self-study. Special features include:  approximately 6,400 new words and phrases to learn and use in the series, from Beginner to Advanced, vocabulary practised and revised from level to level,  a wide variety of test-types including gap-filling, multiple-choice, crosswords, puzzles, correcting misprints and picture tests, an Introduction with notes on how to use the tests, a complete Answer Key.Tests your vocabulary 1 contains 60 tests for practising essential vocabulary at upper intermediate level. Wide variety of tests, including crosswords, cartoons, gap-fills, A-Z wordlist, and full answer key.Tips on learning vocabulary.

Nr. of pages : 112
Year : 2002

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