Practice Tests and Tips for IELTS - Liz Joiner

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Descriere - Practice Tests and Tips for IELTS

Timesaver For Exams is a new series of
photocopiable materials for English teachers to use with students
who are preparing for exams.

They save teacher preparation time with a wide range of refreshing
easy-to-use lessons and activities, providing motivational ideas
for exam classes.

The engaging and contemporary content is aimed at teenagers and
young adults with an emphasis on repeated practice of exam task
types and includes exam tips and skills practice.

Four Practice Tests providing focused authentic
practice for students aiming for scores of 6.0 and above
in the IELTS Academic test

Think it through tips help students avoid common
errors and give extra support for the Practice Tests

Boost Your Score skills lessons address key challenges of the
Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking tests

Full answer key and transcripts


Timesaver for Exams is a series of supplementary photocopiable
materials for students preparing for the IELTS exams.

They provide a rigorous yet motivating approach to exam preparation
with a range of activities covering all aspects of the target
exam, including tips on strategy and practice of exam task types.

Nr pagini: 128 pages

Format: 210 x 298 x 10mm | 500g

An aparitie: 06 Jul 2017

Autor: Joiner, Liz

Editura: Scholastic

ISBN: 9781407169712

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