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First Certificate Star Practice Book Grammar and Vocabulary with Key - Luke Prodromou - Prodromou, Luke


First Certificate Star Practice Book Grammar and Vocabulary with Key - Luke Prodromou

First Certificate Star Practice Book Grammar and Vocabulary with Key - Luke Prodromou

Apreciere: 6.1/7 (7 voturi)
Status: Epuizat

Descriere Specificatii

Descriere - First Certificate Star Practice Book Grammar and Vocabulary with Key - Luke Prodromou

A comprehensive and challenging course for First Certificate in English.  First Certificate Star thoroughly prepares students for FCE by providing extensive exam practice. At the same time it consolidates and develops students' knowledge of the language and their ability to use it.

Key features of the Practice Book:
- Extensive practice of U se of English exercises
- Further practice of the grammar in the Student's Book - Development of vocabulary with a focus on word
- Revision and extension of phrasal verbs

Course components:

Student's Book international edition 978 0435281441
Student's Book Greek edition 978 0435281519 Teacher's Book 978 0435281458
Practice Book with key 978 0435281526
Practice Book without key 978 0435281465
Cassettes (2) 978 0435281472

Pages : 140
Year : 1998

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