English Usage : B1-C2 - ***

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In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

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In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

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PRP:79,00 Lei
67,15 Lei
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Descriere - English Usage : B1-C2

This major new edition of the Collins COBUILD English Usage is a modern, easy-to-use and in-depth guide to English usage, aimed at upper-intermediate and advanced learners and teachers of English.

Collins COBUILD English Usage has been designed to help learners to use individual words correctly, and choose the right words and structures for the meaning they want to convey. The title not only explains what English words mean, but also provides information on how the words actually work.

The title covers a range of different areas of the English language, to help learners use the language naturally and effectively. It provides clear information on easily confused words, words with similar meanings, and help with words that are often tricky for learners to understand.

Entries are organized alphabetically so that they are easy to find, and each has a clear explanation of when and how to use the word. Each entry also includes examples from the Collins Corpus, which show how the words are really used in everyday English.

In addition to information on usage, the title includes helpful grammar boxes, which explain elements of English grammar which students need to be able to write and speak in English. A supplement of various topics, including punctuation and academic writing, will help to ensure that learners have all the information they need to be able to communicate effectively and accurately.

Collins COBUILD English Usage has been thoroughly revised and updated, based on extensive corpus research and is now easier to use than ever. With additional information on American English, and warning notes highlighting particular problems, Collins COBUILD English Usage is an indispensible tool for learning English today.

ISBN: 9780007423743
Nr pagini: 800 pages
Format: 153 x 234 x 31mm | 880g
Anul aparitiei: 04 Mar 2014

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