Business Reading : B1-C2 - Anna Osborn

In Bucuresti - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 10.00 Lei

In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

Apreciere: 3.5/7 (4 voturi)
Status: Indisponibil
PRP:58,00 Lei
49,30 Lei
Diferența: 8.7 Lei ( -15% )

Descriere - Business Reading : B1-C2

To understand all the documents you come across at work you need to practise reading different kinds of text.

This brand new self-study book is the ideal way for business people to refine their reading skills in English. It provides practice reading the kinds of texts that business people come into contact with at work every day, using authentic examples from real business situations. It is aimed particularly at executives who communicate in English frequently or work in foreign or multinational companies.

The twenty 4-page units focus on a wide variety of texts, which are useful as a quick-reference guide or for more in depth study and practice:

* Section 1: Emails
* Section 2: Business documents such as agendas, CVs, job descriptions and annual reports
* Section 3: Marketing and advertising, including company websites, brochures and social media such as Twitter
* Section 4: Business media, for example reading newspaper reports, financial news and business blogs

* Each unit contains practice activities and exercises; key vocabulary and phrases and grammar tips, with notes on American English variants

* Includes helpful advice on different reading styles, such as reading for gist and reading for detail

* Reference section with advice on how to improve your reading speed, and tips to help you choose the best reading method to find the information you need

* Also focuses on useful skills not covered in traditional reading courses, such as `reading between the lines'' or understanding the true meaning behind the message

* Includes an answer key, making it ideal for self-study

* Powered by COBUILD - using the real language of business English

Collins English for Business is an innovative series of self-study skills books which focus on the language you really need to do business in English - wherever you are in the world. Each title includes tips on how to communicate effectively and how to communicate inter-culturally. Other titles in this series are Speaking, Listening and Writing.

ISBN: 9780007469437

Nr pagini: 128

Format: 24,6 x 18,9

An aparitie: 2013

Autor: Osborn, Anna

Editura: Harper Collins Publishers

ISBN: 9780007469437

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