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Raise the Issues: An Integrated Approach to Critical Thinking - Numrich, Carol


-10.52 Lei
Raise the Issues: An Integrated Approach to Critical Thinking

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Raise the Issues: An Integrated Approach to Critical Thinking

Apreciere: 6.0/7 (2 voturi)
Editura: LONGMAN
PRP:210,50 LeiAcesta este pretul recomandat de producator/ pretul de coperta. Pretul de vanzare este afisat mai jos
199,98 Lei
Diferența: 10.52 Lei

Descriere Specificatii

Descriere - Raise the Issues: An Integrated Approach to Critical Thinking

Raise the Issues helps advanced students develop critical thinking skills as they gain insight into American Attitudes and values. It combines original broadcasts from NPR (R) with authentic articls from publications such as The New York Times, The Atlantic Monthly, and the International Herald-Tribune to present dffering viewpoints on contemporary topics. Each of the ten units provides stimulating content that integrates listening, reading, speaking, and writing. As students clarify, interpret, and evaluate ideas from the material, they improve their command of sophisticated vocabulary and complex structures.

The third edition features five new units on topical issues such as international adoptions, immigration, alternative energy, and the place of sports in higher education.

See also:

Face the Issues, Third Edition

Consider the Issues, Third Edition
show more

ISBN: 9780137007301
Nr pagini: 224 pages
Format: 201 x 251 x 8mm | 364g
Anul aparitiei: 24 Jun 2009

Pentru orice solicitare contactati departamentul Suport Clienti, de luni pana vineri in intervalul 9-18. intelege importanta informatiilor prezentate in aceasta pagina si face eforturi permanente pentru a le pastra actualizate. Singura situatie in care informatiile prezentate pot fi diferite fata de cele ale produsului este aceea in care producatorul aduce modificari specificatiilor acestuia, fara a ne informa in prealabil.

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