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NorthStar Reading and Writing 5 with MyEnglishLab - Robert Cohen

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Cost livrare: Gratuit

In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: Gratuit

In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

Apreciere: 6.0/7 (4 voturi)
Editura: LONGMAN
Status: Indisponibil
PRP:304,00 Lei
273,60 Lei
Diferența: 30.4 Lei ( -10% )

Descriere - NorthStar Reading and Writing 5 with MyEnglishLab

NorthStar, Fourth Edition, a five-level series, engages students through authentic and compelling content and empowers them to achieve their academic and personal goals. The approach to critical thinking in both the Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking strands challenges students to move beyond basic comprehension to higher-level analysis.

Conceptualized to promote critical thinking, NorthStar infuses analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application throughout every lesson, not just in a critical thinking section like in other series.

Components: Print or eText

Student Book with MyEnglishLab - Building on the success of previous editions, NorthStar
continues to engage and motivate students through new and updated contemporary, authentic topics in a seamless integration of print and online content.

eText with MyEnglishLab - Offering maximum flexibility for different learning styles and needs, a digital version of the Student Book can be used on iPad and Android devices.

MyEnglishLab: NorthStar - Students use MyEnglishLab to access additional practice online, view videos, listen to audio selections, and receive instant feedback on their work. Teachers assign MyEnglishLab activities to reinforce the skills students learn in class and monitor progress through an online gradebook.

Teacher Resource eText - Each strand of NorthStar has an accompanying Teacher Resource eText with the following: digital Student Book, downloadable achievement tests, classroom audio, lesson planners, video activities, videoscripts, teachers manuals, answer keys, and a downloadable placement test. Accessible through MyEnglishLab: NorthStar.

Classroom Audio CD - Listening and Speaking audio contains the recordings and activities as well as audio for the achievement tests. The Reading and Writing strand contains the readings on audio.
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ISBN: 9780133382242
Nr pagini: 262 pages
Format: 203 x 253 x 10mm | 470g
Anul aparitiei: 03 Aug 2014

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