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Language Functions Revisited : Theoretical and Empirical Bases for Language Construct Definition Across the Ability Range - Milanovic, Michael


-31.59 Lei
Language Functions Revisited : Theoretical and Empirical Bases for Language Construct Definition Across the Ability Range

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Language Functions Revisited : Theoretical and Empirical Bases for Language Construct Definition Across the Ability Range

Apreciere: 2.0/7 (6 voturi)
PRP:351,00 LeiAcesta este pretul recomandat de producator/ pretul de coperta. Pretul de vanzare este afisat mai jos
319,41 Lei
Diferența: 31.59 Lei

Descriere Specificatii

Descriere - Language Functions Revisited : Theoretical and Empirical Bases for Language Construct Definition Across the Ability Range

This book introduces the theoretical and empirical bases for the definition of language learning level in functional \''Can Do\'' terms for the English Profile Programme, setting out the ambitions of the Programme and presenting emerging findings. The English Profile Programme is an elaboration of the performance level descriptions of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) that is concerned specifically with the English language. The CEFR has become influential in building a shared understanding of performance levels for foreign language learners. However, there is a considerable gap between the broad descriptions of levels provided, which covers a range of languages and learning contexts, and the level of detail required for applications such as syllabus or test design, which this volume addresses. With its combination of theoretical insights and practical advice, this is a useful work for academics, policy-makers, curriculum designers, textbook writers, postgraduate students and examination board staff.

Michael Milanovic , Consultant editor  Nick Saville , By (author)  Anthony Green

ISBN: 9780521184991
Nr pagini: 300 pages
Format: 150 x 226 x 18mm | 480g
Anul aparitiei: 30 Jun 2012

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