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English for the Teacher. A Language Development Course - Spratt, Mary


-20.25 Lei
English for the Teacher. A Language Development Course

English for the Teacher. A Language Development Course

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204,75 Lei
Diferența: 20.25 Lei

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Descriere Specificatii

Descriere - English for the Teacher. A Language Development Course

 English for the Teacher is a course which enables teachers to improve their language ability for a number of purposes - using English in the classroom, making professional contacts, reading about the teaching of English and discussions with colleagues and students. As well as providing language practice for the four skills, it also invites teachers to comment on the learning value of what they are doing and thus discuss and reflect on different ways of teaching and learning. In this way, it provides opportunities for more general professional development. * A short Introduction for users explains the basic principles underlying the material. * Each unit focuses on a theme from the world of teaching. * Notes for Trainers give guidance on appropriate classroom methodology. * Guidance is provided for self-study use.

Anul aparitiei: 1994
Numar pagini: 172
Format: 19x23

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Vezi alte carti scrise de Mary Spratt

Alte carti de la editura CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS