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Zoo Dentists. Footprint Reading Library 1600. Book
Two dentists in California treat some very special patients. Their patients are animals! Animals can develop dental problems just like humans. These dentists help them, but sometimes it can be dangerous. Have they ever been hurt by an animal? How do they treat dangerous animals?ISBN: 1424010950Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 149 x 205 x 3mm | 60gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Wind Power. Footprint Reading Library 1300. Book
In windy places, some people catch the wind\\''s power with special equipment and use it to make energy.The schools in one area are using wind power to save energy and money. How is this energy made? Where is it all used?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 150 x 210 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Wild Animal Trackers. Footprint Reading Library 1000. Book
In southern Africa, there is a group of people called \\''Bushmen.\\'' These people know a lot about wild animals. However, sometimes the Bushmen cannot tell others about the animals, because they don\\''t speak the same language. How can the Bushmen share what they know?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 01 Oct 2007
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Wild Animal Town. Footprint Reading Library 1600. Book
In the town of Kariba, Africa, people and animals live together happily. The town was built in a place where wild animals live. As long as both humans and animals obey certain rules, they can live peacefully. What are the rules in Kariba? How dangerous is it there?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 150 x 212 x 3mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Water Sports Adventure. Footprint Reading Library 1000. Book
This story is about water sports in the Columbia River Gorge. Cory Roeseler lives in the area and he loves water, sports, and going fast! Roeseler also likes to make new things. What does Roeseler do with these interests? How does he go fast?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 200 x 2mm | 60gAnul aparitiei: 22 Feb 2013
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Volcano Trek. Footprint Reading Library 800. Book
Two scientists are travelling in Ethiopia to study a very old volcano. Volcanoes can be dangerous, because they have hot, melted rock inside. But they also offer important information. Will the scientists make it safely to the volcano? What will they learn?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 151 x 212 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 01 Feb 2013
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Young Riders of Mongolia. Footprint Reading Library 800. Book
Horseback riding is a very important tradition in Mongolia. Each year the people there have a race to celebrate this tradition. However, the race is a little unusual. What kind of race is it? Why is it unusual?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 208 x 3mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Three Rivers of Zambia. Footprint Reading Library 1600. Book
Zambia, Africa, is nowhere near an ocean, but it is heavily influenced by water. Three great rivers flow through Zambia which impact the lives of the people and animals near them. How do the rivers impact life around them? How can humans protect these valuable rivers?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 150 x 211 x 3mm | 50gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Story of the Hula. Footprint Reading Library 800. Book
Long ago, people in Hawaii, performed a special dance called the \\''hula.\\'' Then, for more than 60 years, the dance was not allowed. Finally, after many years, a new king returned the hula to the people. Why was the hula not allowed? What is special about the hula?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Red Devils. Footprint Reading Library 3000. Book
Humboldt squids, or \\''Red Devils,\\'' are the world\\''s largest animal without a backbone. These sometimes dangerous creatures live in the deep waters of the Gulf of California. A researcher and professional diver have come to the Gulf to learn more about them. Will they find any Red Devils? Will they be able to observe them safely?Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 149 x 205 x 3mm | 68gAnul aparitiei: 01 Jun 2009
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Perfect Swarm. Footprint Reading Library 3000. Book
In the 1800s, the Rocky Mountain locust brought massive destruction to Western settlers. Then, the insects suddenly disappeared-almost without a trace. Now scientists hope to find a reason for the locust\\''s extinction. What caused the Rocky Mountain locust to disappear? Where will the scientists find the answers?Nr pagini: 48 pagesFormat: 149 x 200 x 4mm | 93gAnul aparitiei: 06 Jun 2009
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Orient Express. Footprint Reading Library 3000. Book
Running from Paris to Istanbul, the Orient Express is a first-class hotel on wheels. Once a year, travelers can ride the luxury train across Europe just to enjoy the journey, but it\\''s hard work to make the grand train run smoothly. Who is responsible for the train\\''s success? What unique difficulties do they face?Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 150 x 206 x 3mm | 64gAnul aparitiei: 02 Jul 2009
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Olympians. Footprint Reading Library 1600. Book
The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece where men from all over competed in sporting events. Over the centuries, the Olympic Games have developed and today top players from around the world compete to try and achieve their dream of winning an Olympic gold medal.Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 150 x 211 x 3mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Missing Snows of Kilimanjaro. Footprint Reading Library 1300. Book
Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. It\\''s in a hot, tropical area, but it\\''s so high it\\''s always been covered in ice and snow. Now, this ice and snow is disappearing. Why is this happening? How is it affecting the area around the mountain?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Memory Man. Footprint Reading Library 1000. Book
Gianni Golfera can remember almost everything. Scientists want to study his mind because he can remember so much. Some think his environment improved his memory. Others think that Gianni\\''s memory came from his parents, Where did his great memory come from?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 149 x 211 x 3mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 26 Jan 2008
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Lost Temples of the Maya. Footprint Reading Library 1600. Book
Archaeologists study old cities and buildings to learn about cultures and people. An archaeologist in Guatemala has searched for one city for twenty years. He thinks the buildings there may tell him about one of the great cultures of the world: the Maya. Will he find the lost temples of the Maya?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 150 x 212 x 3mm | 66gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Lost City Machu Picchu (Footprint Reading Library)
Machu Picchu is a beautiful old city in Peru. It was forgotten for many years, but now many people are visiting it. Some people think that too many visitors may not be good for the city. What will happen to Machu Picchu?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 139 x 209 x 7mm | 60gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Life of a Geisha. Footprint Reading Library 1900. Book
In Japan, a young woman named Umechika dreams of becoming a geisha and has left home to follow her dream. This mysterious Japanese profession requires years of difficult training. What happens during the training of a geisha? Why does Umechika want to be one?Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 149 x 205 x 3mm | 68gAnul aparitiei: 11 Dec 2008
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Last of the Cheju Divers. Footprint Reading Library 1000. Book
Cheju, South Korea, is known for its traditional women divers. They have long dived into the ocean to look for seafood. It\\''s dangerous, but there were no other jobs available. Now, women in Cheju have more choices. What jobs can they do? What will happen to the Cheju divers?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 144 x 205 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 21 Dec 2007
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Knife Markets of Sanaa. Footprint Reading Library 1000. Book
Sanaa is a beautiful old city in the Middle East. In Sanaa, it is a tradition to carry beautiful knives, or tools, called \\''jambiya.\\'' An unusual animal called a \\''rhinoceros\\'' is often killed to make these knives. How can people keep their tradition and save the rhinoceros?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 21 Nov 2007
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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