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Cutting Edge Starter. New Edition Active Teach
ActiveTeach has a digital version of the Students Book and has:All the audio and video in the Students book Answers for exercises Links to Study, Practice and Remember sectionsAudio & Video Scripts Photocopiables All tests and test audio Vocabulary and Grammar games Dictionary Phonetic Chart Useful tools Nr pagini: 1 pagesFormat: 137 x 191 x 15mm | 80gAnul aparitiei: 18 Sep 2014...


PRP: 457,20 Lei  434,34 LeiAdauga in cos
Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Active Teach
ActiveTeach has a digital version of the Students Book and has:All the audio and video in the Students book Answers for exercises Links to Study, Practice and Remember sections Audio & Video Scripts Photocopiables All tests and test audio Vocabulary and Grammar games Dictionary Phonetic Chart Useful toolsNr pagini: 1 pagesFormat: 139 x 190 x 14mm | 72gAnul aparitiei: 18 Sep 2014...


PRP: 457,20 Lei  434,34 LeiAdauga in cos