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Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

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79,00 Lei


\\"Delta Academic Objectives: Reading Skills\\" has been written to prepare students for academic reading, placing emphasis not only on extensive reading skills development, but also on continued language development through four main areas: Understanding the text, Critical thinking, Using the text, and Language Focus. Understanding the text activities develop essential comprehension skills, teaching students to further analyze texts and interpret standpoint and argument. Critical thinking activities go on to actively develop students\\'' abilities to critically engage with a text, teaching them to assess the strength of an argument or its validity, and constantly challenge the ideas of others. Using the text activities show students how to incorporate others\\'' ideas with their own to formulate arguments and conclusions in academic writing. Language Focus sections help students develop their knowledge of lexis typical of academic texts, enabling them to understand a wider range of texts and transfer this knowledge into their writing.
Key features: written for students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level; themes relate to a wide range of common academic subject fields; texts are both academic and common to everyday life, thus accessible to all students; contains a section of exercises to practice vocabulary in the Academic Word List; and, is supported by online resources consisting of a bank of extended reading texts with accompanying worksheets. \\"Delta Academic Objectives\\" is a series of course books designed to help students adapt to the challenge of academic study in English.

ISBN: 9781905085569
Nr pagini: 250 pages
Format: 210.82 x 292.1 x 10.16mm | 249.47g
Anul aparitiei: 10 Aug 2011

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