Organizational Behaviour - 11th edition - David Buchanan

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In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: Gratuit

In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: Gratuit

In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

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Descriere - Organizational Behaviour - 11th edition

Develop a critical understanding of organizational behaviour

Ranked as one of the top 10 most influential texts in business and management in the world

According to the Financial Times' Teaching Power Rankings 2021 (research by Open Syllabus)

Organizational Behaviour, 11th Edition, by Buchanan and Huczynski offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject. This market-leading textbook blends social science principles with critical thinking tools, drawing clear connections between theory and practice. The popular text explores how organizations influence our views and actions, and how we can explain the behaviour of people within these organizations.

Drawing from personal experiences, this definitive textbook encourages you to engage with the concept of organizations in society besides your standard academic resources.

Fully updated to reflect recent cutting-edge research, modern working practices and topical issues

The new edition covers topics including:

- Power inequalities

- Equality, inclusion, diversity considerations

- Going green – how investment and insurance companies encourage environmental responsibility

- Code switching – adjusting language, personality, behaviour, and appearance to ‘fit in’

- Hybrid working – impacts on home-based workers and relationships with office-based colleagues

- Are female leaders more effective in a crisis? – lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic

- 2020 Beirut Explosion – how did that happen, and was it a management problem?

- Offshoring, onshoring, reshoring, nearshoring, friend-shoring – the future of globalization

- Socially responsible investment

- Cultural differences in understanding body language

- Teamwork old and new – how groups in organizations have changed

- Workplace hazing – how common are the unofficial practices of initiating newcomers with degrading behaviour?

Nr pagini: 856

Format: 20x26

An aparitie: 2023

Editia: Brosata

Autor: Buchanan, David

Editura: Excellent English Education

ISBN: 9781292417813

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