Meetings. Delta Business Communication Skills - David King

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Descriere - Meetings. Delta Business Communication Skills

Everyone has to attend meetings as part of everyday business life – and many of these meetings are conducted in English.

Meetings aims to help learners of Business English develop the skills and language needed to participate in meetings where English is the medium of communication, whether listening to other participants, making points or acting as chair.

The book practices language and skills in the following areas:

Opening a meeting

Presenting information


Explaining and clarifying

Agreeing and disagreeing

Summarizing and closing

Meetings is designed to help learners at pre-intermediate and intermediate levels master the key communication skills required in international business English today. It provides six core units, each containing these sections:

*warmer to raise awareness of the skills involved in effective communication and to introduce different strategies for developing these skills.

*presentation and practice of core language connected to each skill.

*over to you, which allows students to apply what they have learned to their real-life work situation.

Nr pagini: 64

An aparitie: 2008

Editia: Brosata

Genuri literare: Manuale si cursuri

Autor: King, David

Editura: Delta Publishing

ISBN: 9781905085187

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