Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys

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Descriere - Wide Sargasso Sea

One of the BBCs 100 Novels That Shaped Our World

Rhys took one of the works of genius of the 19th Century and turned it inside-out to create one of the works of genius of the 20th Century Michele Roberts

Jean Rhyss masterpiece tells the story of Jane Eyres madwoman in the attic, Bertha Rochester.

Born into the oppressive, colonialist society of 1930s Jamaica, white Creole heiress Antoinette Cosway meets a young Englishman who is drawn to her innocent beauty and sensuality. After their marriage, however, disturbing rumours begin to circulate which poison her husband against her. Caught between his demands and her own precarious sense of belonging, Antoinette is inexorably driven towards madness, and her husband into the arms of another novels heroine. This classic study of betrayal, a seminal work of postcolonial literature, is Jean Rhyss brief, beautiful masterpiece.

Edited with an introduction and notes by Angela Smith

Nr pagini: 176 pages

Format: 129 x 198 x 9mm | 123g

An aparitie: 31 Oct 2018

Autor: Rhys, Jean

Editura: Penguin Books Ltd

ISBN: 9780141185422

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