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Carti in categoria Literature & Biography

The Fountainhead
Her first major literary success, Ayn Rands The Fountainhead is an exalted view of her Objectivist philosophy, portraying a visionary artist struggling against the dull, conformist dogma of his peers; a book of ambition, power, gold and love, published in Penguin Modern Classics.Architect Howard Roark is as unyielding as the granite he blasts to build with. Defying the conventions of the world around him, he embraces a battle over two decades against a double-dealing crew of rivals who will stop...
PRP: 59,00 Lei  56,05 LeiAdauga in cos
Atlas Shrugged
A towering philosophical novel that is the summation of her Objectivist philosophy, Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged is the saga of the enigmatic John Galt, and his ambitious plan to stop the motor of the world, published in Penguin Modern Classics.Opening with the enigmatic question Who is John Galt?, Atlas Shrugged envisions a world where the men of talent - the great innovators, producers and creators - have mysteriously disappeared. With the US economy now faltering, businesswoman Dagny Taggart is s...
PRP: 59,00 Lei  56,05 LeiAdauga in cos