Dubliners - James Joyce

In Bucuresti - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

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Cost livrare: 10.00 Lei

In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

Apreciere: 5.5/7 (4 voturi)
Status: Indisponibil
PRP:22,00 Lei
18,70 Lei
Diferența: 3.3 Lei ( -15% )

Descriere - Dubliners

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.

`One by one they were all becoming shades. Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age.''

Revealing the truths and realities about Irish society in the early 20th century, Joyce''s Dubliners challenged the prevailing image of Dublin at the time. A group portrait made up of 15 short stories about the inhabitants of Joyce''s native city, he offers a subtle critique of his own town, imbuing the text with an underlying tone of tragedy. Through his various characters he displays the complicated relationships, hardships and mundane details of everyday life and the desire for escape - a yearning that so closely mirrored his own experiences.
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ISBN: 9780007449408
Nr pagini: 256 pages
Format: 111 x 178 x 16mm | 150g
Anul aparitiei: 06 Sep 2016

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