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The Great Gatsby with audio downloadable multimedia contents with ELI LINK App - Fitzgerald, Francis Scott

Editura ELI

The Great Gatsby with audio downloadable multimedia contents with ELI LINK App

The Great Gatsby with audio downloadable multimedia contents with ELI LINK App

Apreciere: 3.0/7 (6 voturi)
Editura: ELI
Status: In curs de aprovizionare
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 3 zile lucratoare

35,00 Lei

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Descriere - The Great Gatsby with audio downloadable multimedia contents with ELI LINK App

CEFR Level: C1
Theme: Love

Scott Fitzgerald's third novel was published in 1925 and has justifiably become a 20th century literary classic.  
"Gatsby?” asked Daisy urgently.  "What Gatsby?” Could it be the same young army lieutenant whom Daisy Fay met five years ago – and who owns a sumptuous house on Long Island, where New York society enjoys the best parties on offer? Is it just coincidence that Gatsby lives across the bay from Daisy – now married to wealthy polo-player Tom Buchanan? As one man's mysterious dream moves towards its ultimately tragic conclusion, Midwesterner Nick Carraway is drawn into the dark world of Gatsby's past and present – a world of hidden frustrations and superficial relationships which perfectly illustrates the "careless and confused” nature of America's Jazz Age.

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Vezi alte carti scrise de Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Alte carti de la editura ELI