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Pride and Prejudice with audio downloadable multimedia contents with ELI LINK App - Austen, Jane

Editura ELI

Pride and Prejudice with audio downloadable multimedia contents with ELI LINK App

Pride and Prejudice with audio downloadable multimedia contents with ELI LINK App

Apreciere: 6.0/7 (2 voturi)
Editura: ELI
Status: In curs de aprovizionare
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 3 zile lucratoare

35,00 Lei

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Descriere Specificatii

Descriere - Pride and Prejudice with audio downloadable multimedia contents with ELI LINK App

CEFR Level: B1
Theme: Love
‘Everybody knows that it is true that any rich, single man must definitely want a wife. And, of course, all mothers think this rich, single man is the perfect partner for one or another of their daughters.'
Tag: Love & Friendship
 In this Reader you will find:
- Information about Jane Austen's life
- Sections focusing on background and context
- Glossary of difficult words
- Comprehension activities
- PET-style activities
- Exit test  
Mrs Bennet has five daughters and they are all unmarried.  When rich, single Mr Bingley comes to live in the area, she is sure that he will be the perfect husband for Jane, the eldest Miss Bennet. Then proud Mr Darcy comes to stay with Bingley.   Will any of the Bennet daughters be good enough for him? Lively, intelligent Elizabeth Bennet doesn't think so.  She dislikes Mr Darcy immediately.  She prefers handsome soldier George Wickham, but is he all he seems? Why does Mr Darcy dislike him so much?  Then Mr Collins comes to stay with the Bennets. Could he be the right man for Elizabeth?

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