The Bears Holiday : Berenstain Bears - Stan Berenstain

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Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

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Cost livrare: 10.00 Lei

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Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

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36,00 Lei
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Descriere - The Bears Holiday : Berenstain Bears

A new edition of the classic Berenstain Bears story, ideal for children just beginning to read on their own.

The Bears'' Holiday is a story about the fun to be had on a summer holiday, and the risks to be avoided. Papa Bear teaches Small Bear sensible rules about safety on the beach and in the water - but he''s not always good at following his own rules! Children will learn along with Small Bear and laugh as they watch Papa Bear blunder into one dangerous situation after another!

* "I can read it all by myself" is the Beginner Books motto, and behind it is an understanding of how important it is for children to take pride amd pleasure in their early reading.

* Beginner Books have been designed to appeal directly to children through the use of humour, rhyme and bright pictures that can be "read" even by the non-reading child.

* Some Beginner Books are simple stories, others are hilarious nonsense: both types have been designed to give children confidence and make them go on reading.

ISBN: 9780007305803
Format: Paperback | 40 pages
Anul aparitiei: 163 x 225 x 5mm | 140g

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