Lady Chatterley’s Lover (English) - D. H. Lawrence

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Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 20.02 - Vineri, 21.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 10.00 Lei

Ajunge: Vineri, 21.02 - Luni, 24.02
In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

Ajunge: Vineri, 21.02 - Luni, 24.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.90 Lei

Ajunge: Vineri, 21.02 - Luni, 24.02
Apreciere: 3.5/7 (4 voturi)
Status: În stoc

Timp procesare: 1 zi lucratoare

PRP:49,00 Lei
36,75 Lei
Diferența: 12.25 Lei ( -25% )

Descriere - Lady Chatterley’s Lover (English)

The Most Scandalous Book of the 20th Century

Lyric and sensual, D.H. Lawrence’s novel is one of the major works of fiction of the twentieth century. Filled with scenes of intimate beauty, it explores the emotions of a lonely woman trapped in a sterile marriage and her growing love for the robust gamekeeper of her husband’s estate.

The most controversial of Lawrence’s books, Lady Chatterly’s Lover joyously affirms the author’s vision of individual regeneration through sexual love. The book’s power, complexity, and psychological involvments make this a completely original work — a triumph of passion and a celebration of life.

“His body was urgent against her, and she didn't have the heart anymore to fight... She was giving up... she had to lie down there under the boughs of the tree, like an animal, while he waited, standing there in his shirt, watching her with haunted eyes... He too had bared the front part of his body and she felt his naked flesh against her as he came into her.”

"One of the best novels of the century.”

Nr pagini: 383

Format: 13x20

An aparitie: 2023

Autor: Lawrence, D. H.

Editura: Bestseller

ISBN: 9789975774130

Livrarea se face din stoc, in 24-48 ore, din depozitul de carte, de luni pana vineri. Transportul este gratuit pentru orice comanda de minim 119 lei cu livrare in reteaua de Pachetomate Posta Panduri, minim 199 lei cu livrare in Easybox oriunde in tara, minim 149 lei cu livrare prin curier in Bucuresti si minim 199 lei pentru livrarea prin curier, in tara.

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