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Vasile Voia

Vasile Voia este profesor de literatura comparata la Universitatea „Babes-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca. In cariera sa a practicat consecvent un comparatism modern, deopotriva teoretic si aplicativ, nonfactologic, orientat spre filosofie si estetica, spre investigarea critica a ideilor si temelor si prioritar spre studiile de germanistica. V. Voia reprezinta linia de continuitate intre mai vechea scoala comparatista clujeana, reprezentata de Liviu Rusu, de la care se revendica, si orientarile actuale specializate care se fac simtite in interiorul unei noi si remarcabile catedre de literatura universala si comparata. Doctoratul in 1977 cu prof. Liviu Rusu. Vasile Voia – professor of universal and compared literature with the Faculty of Letters from the „Babes-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca. Ph. D. in 1977, conducted by professor Liviu Rusu. Specialization courses: 1966, Dijon (France), 1970-1972, fellowship with The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, University of Stuttgart, professor Fritz Martini, with several returns in 1982, 1984, 1990 and 2003. Between 1992 and 1995 he work as lector specialized in Romanian language and literature with the University of Szeged (Hungary), as well as with The University of Freiburg (Germany) between 1995 and 1997. Published volumes: Novalis (monograph), 1981, Romanian Prose Between the Two World Wars, anthology, selections and commentaries, Szeged, 1995, The Temptation of Limit and the Limit of Temptation. Glosses to the Faustian Myth, 1997, Compared Literature. Theoretical Principles and Applicative Studies, 1998, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Heidegger and the Greeks, translations, commentaries, 1999, Liviu Rusu, Goethe (Some Aspects), 2001, Lucian Blaga, The Tides of the Soul. Die Gezeiten der Seele, introduction, translation of texts and edition by Vasile Voia, 2003, Apollo’s Invalids. Introduction to Modern Poetry. 1st Part: Novalis and Holderlin, 2005.

Titlurile autorului Vasile Voia (4 titluri prezente pe site)

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