Cristina Ilie este lector universitar la Facultatea de Stiinte Sociale, Universitatea din Craiova. Totodata, autoarea lucreaza in cadrul Serviciului de Probatiune Dolj. Este licentiata in ”Drept” si ”Sociologie”. A absolvit doua programe de master in cadrul Universitatii din Craiova: ”Drept public si stiinte penale” in cadrul Facultatii Drept si ”Dezvoltare comunitara si integrare europeana” in cadrul Facultatii de Stiinte Sociale, specializarea Sociologie. Este doctor in ”Sociologie”. In cadrul studiilor postdoctorale, autoarea a abordat tematica sistemului de detentie din Romania. A lucrat in echipa de management si in echipa de implementare in cadrul a opt proiecte finantate din fonduri europene. Este autor a peste 60 de articole publicate in volume colective, in reviste nationale si internationale si a 11 carti publicate ca unic autor si in colaborare. Rezultatele cercetarii sale au fost diseminate in cadrul a peste 70 de comunicari, sustinute la conferinte internationale organizate in tara si in strainatate. Ariile sale de interes sunt reprezentate de domenii precum: Sistemul de probatiune, sistemul de detentie, sociologie juridica, sociologia migratiei, reglementarea migratiei transfrontaliere. ------ Cristina Ilie is Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova. Also, the author works within the Dolj Probation Service. She graduated both Sociology and Law specializations and also two masters ”Public law and criminal science” (Law specialization) and ”Community development and European integration” (Sociology specialization). She is a PhD. in Sociology. In her postdoctoral studies, the author addressed the issue of the detention system in Romania. She worked in the management team and in the implementation team within eight projects financed from European funds. He is the author of over 60 articles published in collective volumes, in national and international journals and of 11 books published as single author and in collaboration. The results of her research have been disseminated in more than 70 papers, held at international conferences organized in the country and abroad. Her areas of interest are: Probation system, detention system, sociology of law, sociology of migration, cross-border migration regulation.