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  • Carti si manuale (98)
Frici mari si mici cand ai 8 ani
„Si daca sunt furios? Si daca mi se pare ca sunt urat? Si daca maine dau test?” Frici mari si mici ii ghideaza cu grija copiii de 8 ani (dar si pe cei putin mai mici sau mai mari) prin fricile de zi cu zi si prin situatii dificile.


PRP: 39,00 Lei  28,47 LeiAdauga in cos
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Frici mari si mici cand ai 5 ani
„Si daca ma simt trist? Si daca mi-e frica de intuneric? Si daca trebuie sa merg la doctor?” Frici mari si mici ii ghideaza cu blandete pe copiii de 5 ani (dar si pe cei putin mai mici sau mai mari) prin fricile de zi cu zi si prin situatii dificile.


PRP: 39,00 Lei  28,47 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Frici mari si mici cand ai 7 ani
„Si daca aud un zgomot ciudat? Si daca trebuie sa stau cu bona? Si daca nu sunt invitat la o petrecere?” Frici mari si mici ii ghideaza cu blandete pe copiii de 7 ani (dar si pe cei putin mai mici sau mai mari) prin fricile de zi cu zi si prin situatii dificile.


PRP: 39,00 Lei  28,47 LeiAdauga in cos
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Frici mari si mici cand ai 6 ani
„Si daca am parte de bullying? Si daca nu sunt bun la sport? Si daca imi tot imaginez lucruri infricosatoare?” Frici mari si mici ii ghideaza cu blandete pe copiii care au 6 ani (dar si pe cei putin mai mici sau mai mari) prin fricile de zi cu zi si prin situatii dificile.


PRP: 39,00 Lei  28,47 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Sa-mi trimiti un cuvant din cand in cand
Traducere de Daniela RogobeteSa-mi trimiti un cuvint din cind in cind este extraordinara poveste de dragoste dintre doi tineri din Moscova, Lev si Svetlana. Despartiti timp de paisprezece ani de al Doilea Razboi Mondial si de Gulag, ei au ramas credinciosi unul altuia si au lasat in urma un uimitor monument inchinat iubirii lor: 1.500 de scrisori, corespondenta lor din perioada in care Lev s-a luptat sa supravietuiasca in unul dintre cele mai faimoase lagare de munca ale lui Stalin. Introduse si...


PRP: 54,95 Lei  47,26 LeiAdauga in cos
Osho. Atunci cand iubim
Solutii pentru a intelege firescul iubirii si de a o trai plenar si satisfacator Dragostea ar trebui sa fie o realitate a existentei noastre, nu doar un vis sau subiectul unor poezii. Este o tema care ar trebui sa ne defineasca intreaga viata. ?i niciodata nu este prea tarziu sa traiesti dragostea pentru prima data. Trebuie sa invatam sa iubim, avand in vedere ca putine persoane stiu sa o faca. Toata lumea crede ca dragostea este necesara, ca o viata fara iubire este o viata traita fara sa s...


PRP: 39,99 Lei  29,99 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand infloresc caisii
Noaptea, in gradina parfumata a Hudei, din orasul Bagdad, vantul bate dinspre desert, fosnind frunzele caisilor si prevestind, parca, sosirea oaspetilor nepoftiti. Huda, secretara la Ambasada Australiei, traieste cu teama de persecutiile politiei secrete – mukhabarat – care vaneaza fiecare informatie ce ar putea fi folosita impotriva Americii si a aliatilor sai. Hudei i s-a ordonat sa se apropie de Ally Wilson, sotia viceambasadorului, si, cu toate ca nu-si doreste catusi de putin sa...


PRP: 49,90 Lei  37,43 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand in ganduri

Tania, V

Te-ai gasit o data, te-ai pierdut o data. Acum trebuie doar sa te regasesti. Cel ce te va indruma de acum este sensul ce se-ncheaga in sinele tau. Cand te eliberezi, distrezi si alimentezi creand, atunci timpul devine simfonie sufletului tau, asigurand o realitate. Iar realitatea aceasta o folosesti pentru a imprima esentele ce curg in intreg spiritul tau creator, pentru a ajuta si inspira, tot asa cum tu ai fost ajutat si inspirat la randul tau. Si astfel in fiecare dintre noi se naste o frum...


PRP: 27,00 Lei  24,30 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Atunci cand
O sedinta de bloc, un curs de design pentru elevi, burn-out-ul unei jurnaliste de moda, un Craciun in care se hotaraste divortul sunt cateva dintre situatiile din Atunci cand. Ceea ce face special volumul de proze al Ancai Chimoiu este dexteritatea autoarei de a trece de la un spatiu la altul, pastrandu-si precizia credibilitatii descriptive, prozatoarea fiind la fel de expresiva in pictura povestii, indiferent de spatiul naratiunii si de galeria extinsa de personaje. Seductia acestui volum vin...


PRP: 33,00 Lei  28,05 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand te lovesc
Scrisa pe tonul unei femei nedreptatite, care s-a saturat de rolul de sotie abuzata si cauta sa-si recastige statutul de scriitoare emerita, Cand te lovesc este o carte ce ar putea fi incadrata la definitia curajului. O prezentare zguduitoare a vietii conjugale traditionale din India zilelor noastre, Cand te lovesc sau Portret al scriitoarei ca tanara sotie spune povestea unei femei pentru care casatoria – vazuta prin ochii ei ca un contract al dragostei – se transforma intr-un cont...


PRP: 44,00 Lei  38,28 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand inima dicteaza
Fortata sa fuga de pe continent de inaintarea armatelor lui Napoleon, orfana Alana Farmer si excentricul ei tutore isi construiesc o noua viata la Londra. Acolo Alana se bucura de toate privilegiile unei tinere de vita nobila, precum si de educatia potrivita unei regine. Insa inaintea debutului in societate, Alana afla secretul socant al originii sale. Poate fi oare adevarat ca este printesa pierduta a regatului Lubinia? Nevoita sa se intoarca in tara natala, pentru a preveni izbucnirea unui ra...


PRP: 24,90 Lei  18,68 LeiAdauga in cos
Dragostea cand te doare
ANDREI PANTU • FLORIN SPATARU • LIGIA PARVULESCU •LIVIU G. STAN • CRISTIAN FULA? • RADU ALDULESCU •RADU GAVAN • DELIA HUGEL • DORIAN DRON • ALLEX TRU?CA • LAURA SORIN • DAN SOCIU • EMILIA TOMA • IRINA GEORGESCU GROZA • DOINA RU?TI • COSMIN LEUCU?A „Diversitatea este marca acestei carti alcatuite din texte inedite. Prin urmare, nu vorbim despre o antologie, ci despre cartea iubirii. De la posesiune, ca act al conf...


PRP: 59,90 Lei  44,93 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand viitorul era mic. Juniorii
Cam prea rigida si scortoasa mai e si istoria asta uneori! Din cand in cand parca s-ar cere un pic scuturata... Noroc cu povestitorii si ilustratorii nostri, care i-au gasit una-doua ac de cojoc, punandu-si imaginatia la contributie si croindu-i straie noi. Cum au reusit? Pai cu un strop de fantezie si documentare cat cuprinde. Haideti sa lasam deoparte oprelistile de spatiu si timp si sa poposim pe rand in epoci si locuri felurite, unde ne asteapta tot soiul de personaje interesante. Sa pasim ...


PRP: 44,44 Lei  38,66 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand esti nedreptatit
Noi oamenii nu stim sa ne iubim si sa ne cinstim, ci am pierdut aceasta intelegere. Caci daca cineva ar suferi putin pe fratele sau cand se iuteste sau se scarbeste, dupa ce acela isi va veni in sine si va vedea cum a fost suferit de aproapele si cum si-a pus sufletul pentru el, se va bucura cu bucurie negraita. Cu adevarat cel ocarat este dator a multumi unora ca acestora si a-i avea pe ei, daca este patimas, ca pe niste doctori ce-i vindeca ranile sufletului lui; iar de este nepatimas, ca...


Cand Nero porunceste
Suntem in anul 68. Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel au fost ucisi cu cruzime, toti crestinii sunt vanati si persecutati. Imparatul Nero, vesnic insetat de sange, este hotarat sa ii nimiceasca o data pentru totdeauna pe toti cei care cred in Iisus Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu. Crestinii stiu ca ii pandeste tortura si moartea, dar racnetul nemilos al fiarei paleste in fata iubirii lui Dumnezeu, nesecat izvor de viata. Cand Nero porunceste este o poveste despre credinta, dragoste si curajul de a infr...


PRP: 18,00 Lei  16,20 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand corbii tac
Este anul 1932. In Germania, doctrina nazista incepe sa prinda contur si se insinueaza in vietile oamenilor subtil. Alma, o evreica frumoasa, educata si foarte bogata, se bucura de protectia familiei ei adoptive pana il intalneste pe Carl de care se indragosteste. Insa, dupa cateva luni de euforie, Alma ajunge sa realizeze ca viata este un infinit sir de alegeri, fiecare mai dificila decat precedenta. Iar in Dachau - orasul in care se naste cel mai crunt si mare lagar nazist - aceste alegeri o p...


PRP: 38,00 Lei  34,20 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand ne vom revedea
Printul Alexei al Avaloniei este un maestru in arta seductiei si este obisnuit ca femeile sa-i cada la picioare. Insa, dupa ce isi petrece o noapte cu o tanara misterioasa pe care o intalneste la un bal mascat, descopera cu surprindere ca nu isi mai poate lua gandul de la ea. Anii trec, si Alexei incepe sa se intrebe daca nu cumva a fost doar un vis tesut de vraja lunii in decorul fermecator al Venetiei. Insa domnisoara Pamela Effington nu este deloc un vis. Desigur, sa se lase prada pentru o n...


PRP: 30,00 Lei  22,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand viitorul era mic. Seniorii
Tare poznas mai e si timpul din aceste pagini! Alearga si se domoleste, se-ntoarce si se-ncovoaie... si-o clipa n-ar sta locului, doar-doar ne-om dumiri si noi unde-am picat in valmasagul lui. De bine ce pornim la drum, de-a dreapta lui Mihai Viteazul, in fruntea ostii romanesti, ne pomenim soldati romani pe langa Dunare, dand nas in nas cu cete de barbari. Ciudata treaba! Il consolam apoi pe Cocrisel, sarmanul, in temnita-i uitata si iar picam in vremuri mai indepartate, pe urmele zetarilor amo...


PRP: 44,44 Lei  38,66 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand sunt fericit
Cateodata, cand suntem fericiti,ne vine sa topaim de bucurie! Cum il poti ajuta pe copilul tau sa se simta mai des fericit? Copiii fericiti poseda increderea in sine necesara pentru a face fata dificultatilor, se pot elibera de nesigurante inutile si se pot deschide mai mult catre viata si nenumaratele ei posibilitati. ISBN: 978-606-33-4105-2Nr pagini: 24Format: 203x203Anul aparitiei: 2019


PRP: 19,90 Lei  14,93 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand dragostea ucide...
O frumusete fara cusur... O mostenire irezistibila… Un titlu nobiliar la fel de vechi ca istoria Angliei…Trei motive ca sa ucizi.Nascuta Lancaster, Cristine este adoptata inca din prima secunda de viata de catre contele de Sutherland si sotia acestuia, petrecand primii opt ani ai copilariei alaturi de cei trei frati mai mari ai ei, Nick, Ethan si Anthony, intr-o atmosfera plina de armonie.O altercatie nevinovata intre Cristine si Nick conduce la un deznodamant neasteptat: Cristine ...
PRP: 59,98 Lei  50,98 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand totul devine arma
In secolul XXI traim intr-o stare permanenta de conflict. Fie ca se numeste terorism, razboi hibrid, razboi de zona gri sau razboi conventional, amenintarea este o prezenta cotidiana. Cum razboiul clasic – cu arme, bombe si drone – a devenit tot mai costisitor sub aspect financiar si tot mai nepopular in randul opiniei publice, este mai eficient sa ameninti o tara cu embargoul economic sau sa declansezi un atac cibernetic prin care sa-i paralizezi institutiile. Iata de ce tot ceea ce...


PRP: 60,50 Lei  45,38 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand mama e absenta
Este greu de crezut ca o mama poate fi absenta psihic, ca nu-si poate iubi copilul pentru ceea ce e el, ca-l poate respinge, ca se poate purta gresit cu el, il poate maltrata sau chiar ucide, pentru ca asta contravine ideologiei pe care civilizatia noastra occidentala o vehiculeaza in jurul figurii materne, in mod obligatoriu protectoare si iubitoare. Dar „raul matern” exista cu adevarat. In aceasta carte, Hélène Romano nu abordeaza maternitatea in general, ci anumite r...


PRP: 55,00 Lei  41,25 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand ne vom reintalni
PESTE 2 MILIOANE DE EXEMPLARE VANDUTE PUBLICAT IN PESTE 15 TERITORII DE LA AUTOAREA CARTII FENOMEN INCEPUTURI FARA SFARSIT Cand Izzy Astor se imbarca intr-un avion in drum spre casa, nu are mari asteptari. Pentru ea este doar experienta obisnuita a unei calatorii de sarbatori: aglomeratie, oboseala, stres. Apoi, insa, il observa pe barbatul care se nimereste sa stea alaturi – si care este oricum, numai obisnuit, nu. Parul lui negru, ochii sai albastri si farmecul necizelat al lui ...


PRP: 59,99 Lei  44,99 LeiAdauga in cos
Ma gasesti cand vrei
Intr-un aeroport se intilnesc un barbat si o femeie care descopera, intimplator, ca au aceeasi destinatie. Dupa calatorie, scinteia atractiei pe care au simtit-o unul fata de celalalt ii impinge rapid intr-o relatie intensa, dar in scurt timp apar si problemele. Este o relatie din care ea va evada de citeva ori, iar el o va aduce inapoi de fiecare data, facind-o incetul cu incetul sa devina dependenta de el. Insa cum ar putea sa functioneze lucrurile intre un barbat atit de sigur pe el si invalu...


PRP: 39,95 Lei  34,36 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand Frumoasa seduce Bestia
Althea Stanwick era o lady perfecta, destinata sa se marite cu un lord bogat, dar familia ei a fost tradata si a ramas fara nici un sfant. Desi si-a pierdut prietenii, averea si respectabilitatea, Althea a conceput un plan scandalos. Daca poate invata cum sa seduca, poate avea putere asupra barbatilor si se poate intoarce in societatea mondena asa cum doreste. Are chiar si un profesor in minte, un barbat cu trasaturi frumoase, dar a carui porecla, Bestia, reflecta exact cat de onorabil este. N...


PRP: 30,00 Lei  22,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand creierul viseaza
Traducere de Alexandru Babes De ce visam? Ce scop au visele? Exista vise premonitorii? Originile si semnificatia viselor ne intriga inca de la inceputurile omenirii, dar abia in secolul al XIX-lea oamenii de stiinta au incercat primele raspunsuri; aceste intrebari raman si astazi la fel de incitante. Cand creierul viseaza, cartea a doi cercetatori de renume mondial in domeniul studiului somnului, explica descoperirile recente despre creierul adormit si despre semnificatia psihologica si neur...


PRP: 49,90 Lei  39,92 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand tacerea vorbeste
O poveste cu un cerb minunat si cativa adolescenti care Il descopera pe Hristos Povestea de fata nu este dintre cele bazate pe evenimente reale sau povestiri adevarate, cu toate acestea, e intru totul adevarata. Ea se repeta zi de zi in realitatea timpurilor si a societatii noastre. In spatele fiecarui personaj se ascunde o multime de oameni care au trait sau traiesc o experienta asemanatoare. Pentru aceasta dam marturie noi, monahii, care intram zilnic in comuniune nemijlocita cu oamenii, c...


PRP: 25,00 Lei  22,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand voi creste mare
Azi, la scoala, domana invatatoare a vrut sa afle ce meserie va alege fiecare cand vor creste mari.Conducator de tren, doctor, politist... multi dintre ei deja viseaza sa fie adulti.Dar Juliette nu stie inca...Anul aparitiei: 2018


PRP: 30,00 Lei  24,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand ratiunea pleaca in vacanta
Traducere de S.G. DraganDupa o tinerete framantata petrecuta la Zagreb, unde, ca asistent de filozofie, a intrat in conflict deschis cu exponentii marxismului oficial al vremii, Neven Sesardić a colindat cateva universitati occidentale, ca bursier mai intai, apoi ca profesor si profesor asociat. Spirit perspicace si combativ, el a constatat ca si aici, in cetatile occidentale ale ratiunii, aceasta din urma nu e in toate imprejurarile regina, mai exact ca filozofii insisi pot fi orbiti de patimi...


PRP: 42,00 Lei  33,60 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand sufla alizeul - Courtenay Christina
Cartea este o poveste de dragoste plasata in Suedia si China anilor 1732. Incapatanata Jess van Sandt crede ca tatal ei vitreg incearca s-o dezmosteneasca si este determinata sa-l opreasca. Ajutorul apare pe neasteptate in persoana frumosului scotian Killian Kinross, el insusi dezmostenit de bunic. Tanarul trezeste in Jess sentimente contradictorii - o infurie dar o si atrage. In incercarea de a-si recupera averea, ii propune o casatorie de convenienta.Apoi, Compania Suedeza a Indiei de Est ii o...


PRP: 15,00 Lei  13,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand incolteste speranta
"Sawyer le ofera cititorilor povesti emotionante si pline de farmec". Revista Romantic TimesAmy Knackstedt nadajduieste ca un nou inceput in Weaverly, Kansas, o va ajuta sa treaca peste durerea de a-si fi pierdut sotul si ca le va oferi un viitor mai bun celor trei copii ai ei. Dar noul sau vecin, Tim Roper, nu e deloc incantat ca o familie din vechiul ordin al menonitilor va locui langa livada lui cu mere. Tim a parasit credinta menonita cu ani in urma si cu niciun chip nu doreste sa-si amintea...
PRP: 35,00 Lei  31,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand Google sfideaza dreptul
Acordul tranzactional in litigiul Authors Guild v. Google tocmai a fost respins. Google sfideaza dreptul… iar actualitatea ne arata ca dreptul este pe cale sa il ajunga din urma…La momentul finalizarii manuscrisului acestei carti, decizia de aprobare sau respingere a acordului tranzactional in litigiul Authors Guild v. Google se lasa inca asteptata (capitolul I). O decizie de respingere tocmai a fost pronuntata in Statele Unite la 22 martie 2011, reamintind Google ca exista linii r...
PRP: 14,45 Lei  12,28 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand Dumnezeu nu mai iubeste
Cand Dumnezeu nu mai iubeste, nu mai exista nici o adiere de vant in aerul fierbinte, iar seceta si foametea ii invrajbesc pe oameni. E vremea femeilor sfinte, a nebunilor, a vindecatorilor care pretind ca Elohim vorbeste pe umarul lor. Doua cetati stravechi, Tara Cedrilor si Maira, se dusmanesc si se razboiesc intre ele. Un iluzionist pune stapanire pe mintea unui rege si-l hipnotizeaza sa latre ca un caine; iscoade se strecoara nestiute peste tot; un alt rege ii tortureaza cu o cruzime extrema...


PRP: 39,00 Lei  29,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Ce fac cand sunt furios
Oricui i se poate intampla sa aiba o zi mai proasta!Iar lui Zurli ii merge totul pe dos inca de dimineata.Nu e de mirare ca e furios – pe buna dreptate.Si nu i place cum se simte.Oare nu va mai scapa niciodata de furia care l a cuprins?Din fericire, in jungla traiesc multe alte animale, care cunosc foarte bine acest sentiment puternic si ii dau sfaturi.O carte minunata despre un sentiment important pentru toti adultii si copiii care uneori se simt coplesiti de furie, ilustrata cu sensibili...


PRP: 49,00 Lei  36,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand era bunica fata
Cand era bunica fata. Portretul femeii de altadata. Emancipata, dar inca puternic constransa, intr-o societate preponderent condusa de barbati, interesata de moda, farduri si prea putin de politica, usor stingherita de indatoririle din gospodarie - astfel era portretizata femeia in perioada antebelica in Romania. Daca imaginarul romantic din primele decenii ale secolului al XIX-lea va pune femeia pe un piedestal, adorand-o ca pe o imagine a dragostei si a poeziei, cea de-a doua jumatate ii va d...


PRP: 15,00 Lei  11,25 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand armele vorbesc...
Este un roman serial care continua intr-o formula noua, moderna, originala, cu titluri inedite, traditia binecunoscutei colectii similare, de calatorii si aventuri, aparuta sub titlurile Aventurile Submarinului Dox si Aventurile Echipajului Dox. Personajele principale ale povestirilor incluse in brosuri, sunt tinerii germani Marian Farrow si doctorul Robert Bertram. Acestia, insotiti de devotatul negru congolez Pongo, supranumit si "Uriasul", cutremura lumea larga, chemati de necunosc...


27,94 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand trecutul revine
„Cand trecutul revine”, prezentul iti poate fi dat peste cap. Trecutul cantareste greu si il purtam cu noi indiferent de cat de mult am vrea sa privim spre viitor. Cine ar fi crezut, insa, vreodata, ca o simpla excursie cu familia in Maroc va putea avea un asemenea impact asupra parcursului unei persoane? Eu nu am crezut, dar Lorena Lenn mi-a aratat in cartea ei, intitulata ” Cand trecutul revine” ca uneori lucrurile se intampla cu un scop tocmai pentru a contribui la rea...


PRP: 39,00 Lei  25,35 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand stelele se intuneca
Traducere si note de Mihnea GafitaBestseller New York Times 2021, ales de editorii Amazon printre „Best Books 2021 So Far“, Cand stelele se intuneca este cea mai personala carte a scriitoarei americane Paula McLain. Victima ea insasi a abuzurilor si a abandonului, autoarea deschide o usa dintre cele mai intime si spune o poveste, fictiune si realitate deopotriva, despre intunericul din oameni si despre puterea unei femei de a lupta si de a se accepta cu tot trecutul ei insemnat cu ma...


PRP: 45,00 Lei  36,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Sambata cand vine Sambo
Traducere de Alexandru Al. SahighianCarte recomandata de Academia Germana de Literatura pentru Copii si TineretGambrino Berebum e un domn sfios si temator ca un soricel. De cine se teme? De madam Patlagica, gazda lui, care mereu ii cauta nod in papura; de seful lui, Mugurel Boubatran, un pisalog si jumatate; si in general de toti nerozii si mitocanii cu nasul pe sus carora le tuna si le fulgera. Pana cand intr-o buna zi – atentie, intr-o sambata! – domnul Gambrino il intalneste pe Sa...


PRP: 27,00 Lei  21,60 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand lucrurile se schimba
Testamentul unui mare ganditor, o colectie de eseuri sincere si pline de intelepciune, descriind o cariera de implicare intelectuala extraordinara. Prima colectie de eseuri a lui Tony Judt, Reevaluari, se concentra asupra Europei secolului XX in istorie si memorie. Acum, in Cand lucrurile se schimba, vaduva lui Tony Judt, istoricul Jennifer Homans, a adunat eseuri importante de pe parcursul intregii cariere a lui Judt, care fac cronica atat a evolutiei gandirii sale, cat si a consistentei remarc...


PRP: 60,00 Lei  45,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand bunicul era nepot...
„Da, am ramas copil. Cred ca in fiecare scriitor trebuie sa traiasca un copil. Cartea nu este un pedagog sau, daca vreti, este un pedagog „invers”. Ea nu raspunde, ea intreaba si te ajuta sa afli singur raspunsurile corecte. Dar, ale tale. Raspunsuri gata intotdeauna au numai politicienii si politistii. Cartea iti poate fi prieten sau dusman, si acestia nu se pot substitui reciproc. Fireste, e vorba de cartea scrisa cinstit.”(Aureliu Busuioc)ISBN: 9789975863285Nr pagini: ...


19,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Crede-ma cand mint
Claire Wright e disperata. Englezoaica, studenta la actorie in New York si fara viza de rezident, accepta singura slujba pe care o poate obtine: sa lucreze pentru o firma de avocati care se ocupa de divorturi si sa agate soti infideli prin barurile hotelurilor. Insa la un moment dat jocul se schimba. Cand unul dintre barbatii pe care-i agatase devine suspect in anchetarea unei crime, politia ii cere lui Claire sa-si foloseasca talentele de actrita pentru a-l face sa marturiseasca. De la inceput...


PRP: 49,90 Lei  37,43 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand animalutele sunt obosite
Toata lumea trebuie sa mearga la culcare la un moment dat, chiar si puii de animale. Urmarindu-i cum se cuibaresc unii langa altii in liniste si pace, copiilor le va fi mai usor sa le urmeze exemplul. Rasfoiti acesta minunata carte cartonata plina de imagini frumoase si versuri rimate pentru un ritual de seara duios si iubitor.ISBN: 9786067871333Numar pagini: 22An aparitie: 2021


PRP: 29,90 Lei  22,43 LeiAdauga in cos
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Cand copilasii sunt obositi
Poezioare scurte si imagini impresionante povestesc despre cum adorm micutii, fie singuri, fie in doi, cu paturica preferata sau cu animalutul de plus, acasa sau la plimbare.Versuri tandre de noapte buna pentru ritualul somnului de seara. Somn usor! Numar pagini: 22Format: 15x16Anul aparitiei: 2021


PRP: 34,90 Lei  26,18 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Pe cand era buna
Traducere din limba engleza si note de Mihaela Ghita „Romanul Pe cand era buna este privit ca portretul unei femei formidabile si distructive, dar as zice ca e, intr-o masura mult mai mare, descrierea unei culturi si a unei imagini asupra lumii fatalmente marginite. Roth reuseste sa ilustreze acea marginire prin limbajul folosit in comunitate, oferindu-ne trista concluzie ca oamenii cu un vocabular limitat si impiedicat nu pot avea decat ganduri limitate si impiedicate, precum si visuri l...


PRP: 39,95 Lei  34,36 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand ingerii iubesc
,,Protectorii erau cel mai de jos Ordin din Ierarhia Angelica, iar asta insemna si ca erau cei mai apropiati de oameni. Cand Ilian renuntase sa mai fie Inger Protector si intrase in Ordinul Puterilor, stiuse ca alege razboiul si o existenta continua in lupta. I se paruse o alegere usoara atunci, dupa ce vazuse toate sufletele pierdute din cauza Intunecimii coborate pe Pamant de catre cei Cazuti. Nici un moment nu se gandise Insa ca noua existenta Ii va altera perspectiva asupra lumii, Indep...


PRP: 25,00 Lei  21,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Cand cerul ne zambeste, volumul I
Ilustratii: Angeliki Delecha Ce se intampla cand ne zambeste cerul? Ei bine, se intampla tot felul de lucruri nemaivazute: Sfantul Gheorghe ofera de mancare drumetilor si apoi le cere bani pentru a‑si repara biserica, Pruncul Iisus din icoana daruieste o uriasa paine calda unui copilas care Il iubea mult, broscutele fac liniste la vremea Liturghiei, hotia este pedepsita in chip surprinzator sau o vipera simpatica munceste ca ajutor de brutar la manastire. Si cate si mai cate alte „zambe...


PRP: 25,00 Lei  22,50 LeiAdauga in cos
Cine sunt cand te iubesc?
Cat de greu este sa convingi dorul sa iti elibereze sufletul din stransoarea sa? Raspunsul la aceasta intrebare il va cauta si femeia care este coplesita de o multime de emotii in lipsa lui… Cand va simti ca nu poate respira, va decide sa vorbeasca cu inima, iar atunci cand amintirile nu o vor lasa sa traiasca prezentul, va alege sa calatoreasca pe aripi de vis. Drumul pe care il va parcurge o va ajuta sa inteleaga cine este cand destinul ii strecoara farame de iubire in suflet. Se spun...


PRP: 29,00 Lei  23,20 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Cand mergem seara la culcare
Asadar, cand fiecare om viseaza la o calatorie minunata, Zana Viselor ni se arata-n data. Si o insotesc zeci de mii de spiridusi care asteapta sa ne poarte pe taramuri de neinchipuit. Unii dintre ei, mai poznasi, ne inalta in zbor printre pesti; altii ne sperie si ne trezesc. Unora le plac calatoriile in tari indepartate, iar altora pajistile inflorate. Dar cand noaptea atat de scurta se ingana cu zorile, ei pornesc, pe cai albi inaripati, spre ceruri. Oare cine-i asteapta acolo si ce fac pana-i...


47,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Cand basmele cu zane se adeveresc


Basmele pentru copii spun povestea extraordinarului si a miraculosului, si o fac fara niciun fel de formule complicate. Si singura formula care poate sa explice vreodata cum se transforma o zdeanta intr-o rochie minunata este mecanica cuantica.Exista o formula care poate da aceasta explicatie. Exista o formula pentru trasura, dovleacul transformat in trasura. Mecanica cuantica spune ca structurile moleculare care formeaza un dovleac au si potentialul de a fi o trasura. Si tot ce avem de facut es...


PRP: 30,00 Lei  25,50 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
The Corruption An Economic and Social Analysis
The core ideas of the book focus on social perception, modelled through statistic analyses, on the specificity of corruption in the public administration or the public health system in close correlation to the processes of decentralization and of the performance of health services.ISBN: 978-973-709-453-7An aparitie: 2009Nr. de pagini: 282Format: 14x20


43,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Fun card Easter and Spring. English
This set contains 50 quiz cards about Easter and spring. With this set, your students will expand the vocabulary related to these topics and broaden their knowledge of the culture of English-speaking countries. There is an answer and additional information related to the question on the reverse of each card. Anul aparitiei: 2020Numar carduri: 50


PRP: 52,00 Lei  49,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Ant and the Grasshopper
Ant and Grasshopper have very different ideas about how to spend the summer. Find out what happens when winter comes, in this delightful retelling of the classic Aesop fable. Simple and engaging text is accompanied by enchanting illustrations. Age 18 months BIC CBMC AM379 Paperback ISBN: 9781409550686 Extent: 24 pages Dimensions: 250 x 250mmIllustrator Merel Eyckerman


35,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Fun Card English Christmas and Winter
This set contains 50 quiz cards about Christmas and winter. With this set, your students will expand the vocabulary related to these topics and broaden their knowledge of the culture of English-speaking countries. There is an answer and additional information related to the question on the reverse of each card. Anul aparitiei: 2020Numar pagini: 50


PRP: 42,00 Lei  39,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Hansel and Gretel. Primary Reader and Delta Augmented
It was dark in the forest. Hansel and Gretel were lost, tired and hungry. A bird helped them and took them to a house made of sweets and cakes. Why did the old lady ask them to stay? Will they find their way home again? The story and the pictures will help you find out!
25,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Level 1: Ali and His Camera Book and CD Pack
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities.Through the imagination of some of the worlds greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure an...


PRP: 49,60 Lei  47,12 LeiAdauga in cos
Live Beat 4. eText and MyEnglishLab Access Card
The interactive Students eText for Live Beat is designed for individual use on a tablet or PC. The Students eText can be used instead of a print version of the Students book.MyEnglishLab is an online platform that helps students to practise their English outside class and for teachers to continue to interact with them. Live Beat MyEnglishLab for students provides:An interactive version of the entire Workbook. Extra skills practice. Video blogs with follow-up activities to consolidate learning. A...


PRP: 204,60 Lei  194,37 LeiAdauga in cos
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Primary Reader and Delta Augmented
The queen thought she was the most beautiful woman in the country. One day her magic mirror told her that Snow White was now more beautiful than her. How did she feel about this? What did she do? What happened to Snow White? The story and the pictures will help you find out!
25,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Ant and the Grasshopper
Grasshopper sings all summer, happy and carefree. Ant is busy, busy, busy, collecting food for winter. But what will Grasshopper do when winter comes? Find out in this lively retelling of the classic Aesop’s fable, specially written for beginner readers and with beautiful illustrations by John Joven throughout. Age 4 Key Stage KS1 E BIC CBMC A2N79 Hardback ISBN: 9781474956567 Extent: 48 pages Dimensions: 196 x 130mmIllustrator John Joven


35,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Ant and the Grasshopper
Aesop’s charming fable retold for beginner readers to tackle with very light support. Ant and Grasshopper can’t agree over how to spend the summer. Who will be right when winter comes? Part of the Usborne Reading Programme developed with reading experts at the University of Roehampton. Includes several pages of reading-related puzzles. Age 4 Key Stage KS1 E Lexile Measure 220L CEFR Level A1 Accelerated Reader level 0.5 LYHardback with ribbon marker ISBN: 9780746096536 Extent: 32 page...


35,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Fun Card English Saint Patricks day and Ireland
This set contains 50 quiz cards about Saint Patrick's Day. With this set, your students will expand the vocabulary related to this topic and broaden their knowledge of the culture, geography and history of Ireland. There is an answer and additional information related to the question on the reverse of each card. Anul aparitiei: 2020Numar pagini: 50


PRP: 42,00 Lei  39,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Live Beat 3. eText and MyEnglishLab Access Card
The interactive Students eText for Live Beat is designed for individual use on a tablet or PC. The Students eText can be used instead of a print version of the Students book.MyEnglishLab is an online platform that helps students to practise their English outside class and for teachers to continue to interact with them. Live Beat MyEnglishLab for students provides:An interactive version of the entire Workbook. Extra skills practice. Video blogs with follow-up activities to consolidate learning. A...


PRP: 204,60 Lei  194,37 LeiAdauga in cos
Live Beat 2 eText and MyEnglishLab Access Card
The interactive Students eText for Live Beat is designed for individual use on a tablet or PC. The Students eText can be used instead of a print version of the Students book. MyEnglishLab is an online platform that helps students to practise their English outside class and for teachers to continue to interact with them. Live Beat MyEnglishLab for students provides: An interactive version of the entire Workbook. Extra skills practice. Video blogs with follow-up activities to consolidate learning....


PRP: 204,60 Lei  194,37 LeiAdauga in cos
Move It! 4 eText and MEL Students Access Card
The first course for teenagers, fully implementing 21st Century Learning & Teaching, prepares students to succeed in the contemporary world.Ideal for mixed-ability classes, the course personalizes the learning process. Rich modern media package saves teachers time and captures students attention. Complete Assessment Package to monitor students learning process. Students Book:At the center of the course is the Students Book, which contains a vast array of innovative and motivating features to...


PRP: 161,05 Lei  153,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Ce voi fi cand voi fi mare
Aventuri, umor, sensibilitate, descoperiri uimitoare. Povesti noi si fascinante de citit celor mici!Vrei sa-i inveti pe copii sa numere?Sau iti doresti sa-i vindeci pe oameni?Ori poate preferi sa vinzi produse minunate?Descopera o multime de meserii incantatoare, alaturi de Zoe, Stefan, Alma, Suzi si prietenii lor.An aparitie: 2019Pagini: 20Marimi: 16.2 x 18,7 cmCoperta: Cartonata
PRP: 24,00 Lei  19,20 LeiAdauga in cos
The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats. Primary Reader and Delta Augmented
One day the mother goat had to go shopping. She didn’t want to take her seven children with her. She told them that they must not open the door while she was out. While she was out, there was a knock at the door. Who was it? Did they open the door? The story and the pictures will help you find out!
25,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
A classic folktale retold with easy-reading text for children who have just started reading alone. Ali Baba has discovered a cave full of treasure. Its a dream come true! But soon he has a nosy brother and forty thieves to deal with... Part of the Usborne Reading Programme developed with reading experts at the University of Roehampton. Age 5 Key Stage KS1 E Lexile Measure 570L CEFR Level B2 Hardback with ribbon marker ISBN: 9780746080863 Extent: 48 pages Dimensions: 196 x 130mmIllustrator Paddy ...


35,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Dramatherapy Child and Adolescent
Carte in limba engleza; drama joaca un rol esential in dezvoltarea umana sanatoasa si dramaterapia poate fi deosebit de eficace in a ajuta copii sau adolescenti cu probleme, arata modul in care elementul dramatic joaca un rol foarte important in viata oamenilor, sunt prezentate modalitati practice de utilizare a acestui timp de terapie atat pentru adolescenti cat si pentru copii. Se adreseaza atat profesionistilor ce lucreaza cu copiii, cu adolescentii, cat si consilierilor, asistentilor medical...
167,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Zog and Zebra : Band 03/Yellow
Zog is an alien and Zebra lives on Earth, but what happens when these two become friends and encounter a dangerous creature? This fun, decodable story is written by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham and fantastically illustrated by Sarah Horne.* Yellow/Band 3 books offer varied sentence structure and natural language* Text type: A fantasy story* Pages 14-15 provide an opportunity for children to recap the story.* Curriculum links: PSHEISBN: 9780007507801Format: Paperback | 16 pages Anul aparitiei: 199...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  24,57 LeiAdauga in cos
Move It! 1 eText and MEL Students Access Card
The first course for teenagers, fully implementing 21st Century Learning & Teaching, prepares students to succeed in the contemporary world.Ideal for mixed-ability classes, the course personalizes the learning process. Rich modern media package saves teachers time and captures students attention. Complete Assessment Package to monitor students learning process. Students Book:At the center of the course is the Students Book, which contains a vast array of innovative and motivating features to...


PRP: 161,05 Lei  153,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Big English Plus 1. Pupils eText and MyEnglishLab Access Card
An interactive digital version of the Pupils Book with games, audio and video for students to practise classroom learning at home. MyEnglishLab Each unit corresponds to a unit in the Student Book and contains practice activities which are based on exercises from the Workbook. All the exercises are auto-graded, giving learners immediate feedback on their work. Audio is incorporated in the MyEnglishLab. Includes all of the video content from the unit so students can watch the videos at home and sh...


PRP: 144,70 Lei  137,47 LeiAdauga in cos
Big English Plus 3. Pupils eText and MyEnglishLab Access Card
Each thematic unit presents key language in context and through activities, including songs and chants, stories, sticker activities and projects. Students work independently, in pairs or groups to develop core English language skills and 21st Century Skills, such as communication, collaboration and critical thinking. Four-page Checkpoints after every three units focus on Assessment for Learning and allow students to assess their own progress. Each book includes a Young Learners Exams preparation...


PRP: 144,70 Lei  137,47 LeiAdauga in cos
Big English Plus 5. Pupils eText and MyEnglishLab Access Card
An interactive digital version of the Pupils Book with games, audio and video for students to practise classroom learning at home.MyEnglishLab Each unit corresponds to a unit in the Student Book and contains practice activities which are based on exercises from the Workbook. All the exercises are auto-graded, giving learners immediate feedback on their work. Audio is incorporated in the MyEnglishLab. Includes all of the video content from the unit so students can watch the videos at home and sha...


PRP: 144,70 Lei  137,47 LeiAdauga in cos
Big English Plus 4. Pupils eText and MyEnglishLab Access Card
An interactive digital version of the Pupils Book with games, audio and video for students to practise classroom learning at home.MyEnglishLab Each unit corresponds to a unit in the Student Book and contains practice activities which are based on exercises from the Workbook. All the exercises are auto-graded, giving learners immediate feedback on their work. Audio is incorporated in the MyEnglishLab. Includes all of the video content from the unit so students can watch the videos at home and sha...


PRP: 144,70 Lei  137,47 LeiAdauga in cos
Rapunzel. Primary Reader and Delta Augmented
Rapunzel lived with a witch. When she was 12, the witch decided that Rapunzel should live in a tower with no door. Rapunzel’s hair grew very long. Every time the witch visited her, she let her hair down so that the witch could climb up. One day a prince came to the tower. How could he get in? And how could they get out? The story and the pictures will help you find out!
25,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Rumpelstiltskin. Primary Reader and Delta Augmented
One day a man told the king that his daughter could turn hay into gold. The king locked her in a room and told her to turn the hay into gold. If she didn’t do it, she would die. Could she really turn hay into gold? Who could help her? The story and the pictures will help you find out!
25,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Ant and the Cricket. DVD
Titlu: The Ant & the Cricket – DVD Video/DVD-ROM PAL (DVD Case)Nivel: Stage 2/A1Autori: Aesopretold by Jenny Dooley& Anthony KerrISBN: 978-1-84466-193-0
PRP: 68,00 Lei  64,60 LeiAdauga in cos
Look and find cats and dogs
Each page in this superbly illustrated book is teeming with cats and dogs (and a few other animals) to spot, match, count and talk about. Can you spot a Siamese cat with bright green eyes, dogs with matching collars, three cats making music and the basket with the most kittens? The answers are at the back of the book. Age 5 Key Stage KS1 BIC CBMC B2N79 Hardback ISBN: 9781474921336 Extent: 32 pages Dimensions: 290 x 240mmIllustrator Gareth Lucas


59,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Susie and Sam stay with granny and grandpa
The Susie & Sam series is a charming collection of illustrated stories about the new events and first experiences that most young children will encounter in everyday life. In Susie & Sam Stay with Granny and Grandpa the twins go to stay with their grandparents where they dress up, help wash up, go to the park to feed the ducks, listen to bedtime stories, and also play with a train set and doll's house, and have a lovely time with their grandparents. The story is presented in a helpf...
PRP: 13,00 Lei  11,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Big English Plus 6. Pupils eText and MyEnglishLab Access Card
An interactive digital version of the Pupils Book with games, audio and video for students to practise classroom learning at home.MyEnglishLab Each unit corresponds to a unit in the Student Book and contains practice activities which are based on exercises from the Workbook. All the exercises are auto-graded, giving learners immediate feedback on their work. Audio is incorporated in the MyEnglishLab. Includes all of the video content from the unit so students can watch the videos at home and sha...


PRP: 144,70 Lei  137,47 LeiAdauga in cos
Running Riot. Reader and Delta Augmented
Ruby takes pride in the way she looks. She resents the unfairness of a system in which people are not treated equally, and she wants the world to know. She has become a regular protester, rioting and looting in downtown Portland. She is angry, not just about what happened to George Floyd, but at the way people like Melvina and her mother dare to question her beliefs and actions. After all, everything she's doing is for Melvina and other people of color. Shouldn't Melvina be grateful? ...
30,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Big English Plus 2. Pupils eText and MyEnglishLab Access Card
Excel in English and have fun with Big English PlusThink Big - Take a journey around the world with Big English Plus and learn about new people, places and ideas. Dream Big - Learn, play, share...succeed. BIG ENGLISH PLUS really helps you achieve your goals. Big English Plus - Have fun learning English with songs, games, stories and lots of activities. Impress your family and friends with your English language skills. Format: 109 x 184 x 1mm | 18gAnul aparitiei: 20 May 2015


PRP: 144,70 Lei  137,47 LeiAdauga in cos
IELTS Preparation an Practice : Reading and Writing Academic Module - Oxford ANZ English
A series providing comprehensive preparation for the IELTS. With Practice Tests with annotated key. Presents a complete training course for students intended to sit the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). This series reflects the format of the test and develops the necessary skills for each module. It offers separate titles for the Academic Modules and the General Modules. It includes useful tips, and provides practice tests. Pages : 172 Year : 2012
PRP: 93,00 Lei  90,21 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Today! 3 Students MEL and eText Access Card
MyEnglishLab provides an enriched learning environment and activities that are instantly graded and correlated to the course. It allows you the flexibility of personalising tasks for each student to help them reach their goals and instant access to a range of diagnostic tools. eText is a digital version of the Students Book on a computer or a tablet. Now students can study anytime moreISBN: 1447971957Format: 19 Feb 2015Anul aparitiei: Pearson Education Limited


PRP: 136,69 Lei  129,85 LeiAdauga in cos
Move It! 3 eText and MEL Students Access Card
The first course for teenagers, fully implementing 21st Century Learning & Teaching, prepares students to succeed in the contemporary world.Ideal for mixed-ability classes, the course personalizes the learning process. Rich modern media package saves teachers time and captures students attention. Complete Assessment Package to monitor students learning process. Students Book:At the center of the course is the Students Book, which contains a vast array of innovative and motivating features to...
PRP: 161,05 Lei  146,56 LeiAdauga in cos
Gold Experience B2. eText and MyEnglishLab Student Access Card
The Students eText has the Students Book content in a digital format, with links to audio tracks, video clips and games. It can be used on a computer and is compatible with Apple and Android tablets (in the Pearson eText App).MyEnglishLab is an online platform that helps with vocabulary and grammar practice. It instantly grades student answers and gives them meaningful feedback, saving teachers time and energy. Insightful analytics give teachers the whole picture of each class performance and he...


PRP: 231,18 Lei  219,62 LeiAdauga in cos
Gold Experience A2. eText and MyEnglishLab Student Access Card
The Students eText has the Students Book content in a digital format, with links to audio tracks, video clips and games. It can be used on a computer and is compatible with Apple and Android tablets (in the Pearson eText App).MyEnglishLab is an online platform that helps with vocabulary and grammar practice. It instantly grades student answers and gives them meaningful feedback, saving teachers time and energy. Insightful analytics give teachers the whole picture of each class performance and he...


PRP: 231,18 Lei  219,62 LeiAdauga in cos
Entertaining and educating babies and toddlers
Easy-to-use guide filled with activities and play ideas for every stage of a childs development up to the age of two and a half. Arranged by age, it covers topics such as keeping babies busy, fun with food, toddler painting, messy fun and much more. Includes information on special needs, ailments, how babies develop and what to expect at each stage. With internet links to websites with parenting advice, downloadable pictures and flashcards and simple online activities. Age BirthFlexi ISBN: 97807...


77,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Entertaining and educating babies and toddlers
Easy-to-use guide filled with activities and play ideas for every stage of a childs development up to the age of two and a half. Arranged by age, it covers topics such as keeping babies busy, fun with food, toddler painting, messy fun and much more. Includes information on special needs, ailments, how babies develop and what to expect at each stage. With internet links to websites with parenting advice, downloadable pictures and flashcards and simple online activities. Age BirthFlexi ISBN: 97807...


77,94 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Jack and the Beanstalk and Other Stories
Format CD-Audio Dimensions 125 x 142 x 10mm | 92g Publication date01 Feb 2007 Publisher CYP Ltd Publication City/Country Essex, United Kingdom Language English ISBN101857815580 ISBN13 97818578155


27,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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A Viral Disturbance. Reader and Delta Augmented
Oscar has made it. When he arrived in the Unites States thirty years ago he spoke very little English and the only work he could get was washing dishes. He washed a lot of dishes and, over the years, worked his way up the ladder. Now he runs his own very popular Mexican restaurant, he is married, has two daughters, and owns a house. In short, he has achieved the American dream. Everything is perfect, until the pandemic breaks out. Oscar, his family, and everyone he knows has to work out how to s...
30,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Level 1: Muhammad Ali Book and CD Pack
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities.Through the imagination of some of the worlds greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure an...


PRP: 49,60 Lei  47,12 LeiAdauga in cos
Discover China Level 3 Workbook and CD Pack
Discover China Workbook 3 is an accompanying workbook to Discover China Student Book 3, designed for low-intermediate teenage-adult learners of mandarin Chinese. Workbook 3 is suitable for both in-class and self-study use. Workbook 3 features clear language objectives which correspond with the Student''s Book unit structure and activities. A wide variety of vocabulary and grammar exercises, as well as extra reading and listening activities, provide practice of the core language present...


PRP: 67,00 Lei  63,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Sleeping Beauty. Primary Reader and Delta Augmented
When Sleeping Beauty was a baby, a fairy said that on her fifteenth birthday she would fall asleep for 100 years. Can you really sleep for so long? What happened to the other people in the castle? How did she wake up? The story and the pictures will help you find out!
25,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Discover China Level 4 Workbook and CD Pack

Anqi, D.

\\"Discover China Workbook 4\\" is an accompanying workbook to \\"Discover China Student Book 4\\", designed for upper-intermediate teenage-adult learners of mandarin Chinese. \\"Workbook 4\\" is suitable for both in-class and self-study use. \\"Workbook 4\\" features clear language objectives which correspond with the \\"Student\\''s Book\\" unit structure and activities. A wide variety of vocabulary and grammar exercises, as well as extra reading and listening activities, provide pra...


PRP: 67,00 Lei  63,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Carti de joc educative in limba engleza. Fun Card English. Can, Cant
With this set your students will develop the skill of answering questions with the verb Can automatically. Students have to answer questions using both affirmative and negative sentences. The set consists of 50 cards with 50 questions, 100 pictures and the answers on the reverse side.Basic information Number of players: 2 - 6; Age: 10 -110 Box content 50 cards with questions and answers on the reverse side. Content of each deck: Ordinary cards:4 cards "1"4 cards "2"4 cards "3"4 cards "4"4 cards ...
PRP: 52,00 Lei  36,40 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
I-SPY. Butterflies and moths, What can you spot?
Search for over 140 butterflies and moths with this i-SPY guide. This fun activity book encourages kids to look closely at nature, from Large White and Common Blue to Purple Emperor and Hummingbird Hawk-Moth, in search of i-SPY points. A fun, interactive way to encourage curious children to learn about the world around them.What can you spot? Get i-SPYing with these features:* Vibrant photographs of butterflies and moths* Learn about species types and conservation along the way* Points to score ...
PRP: 18,00 Lei  12,60 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc