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Manuale scolare - Clasa a 6-a - Limba engleza

Curs pentru limba engleza. Upstream Elementary A2. Class audio CDs (Set 3 CD)
Componenta audio pentru manualul Upstream Elementary. Contine activitatile din manualul elevului si caietul de activitati pentru dezvoltarea abilitatii de ascultare si intelegere a unui mesaj in limba engleza, precum si pentru imbunatatirea pronuntiei. Autor: Virginia Evans si Jenny Dooley
PRP: 55,00 Lei  52,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Curs de limba engleza. Enterprise 2 Elementary. DVD
Componenta DVD pentru cursul de limba engleza Enterprise 2. Prezinta dialoguri in situatii reale de viata ale caror protagonisti sunt, bineinteles, copiii. Stimuleaza discutiile pe marginea unor teme, cum ar fi: calatorii, mediul inconjurator, animale, profesii, sanatate, festivaluri, tehnologie etc. Include 3 povestiri animate, The Shark Caller, The Python Hunt si On Top of the World, pentru invatarea limbii engleze intr-o maniera placuta. Poate fi folosit atat pentru predarea in clasa, cat si ...
PRP: 33,00 Lei  31,35 LeiAdauga in cos
Curs de limba engleza Click On 2 - DVD
Suport video pentru caietul de activitati video Click On 2. Contine tematica si elementele lexicale studiate in manualul elevului in cele 10 unitati de invatare, prin prezentarea acestora in situatii si experiente reale de viata. Include romanul adaptat, The Hound of the Baskervilles, relatat in 7 episoade.
PRP: 33,00 Lei  31,35 LeiAdauga in cos
Curs de limba engleza Click On 2 (TAB). Caietul profesorului pentru clasa a VI-a
Consta in 2 componente: caietul elevului si caietul cu exercitii de gramatica. Caietul elevului contine 10 unitati de invatare corespondente celor din manual si are rolul de a ajuta la consolidarea structurilor prezentate in manual, printr-o varietate de exercitii de tipul dialoguri, alegeri multiple, joc de rol, completarea spatiilor punctate, formularea de intrebari sau raspunsuri, compuneri, potrivirea cuvintelor cu imaginile etc. Caietul cu exercitii de gramatica contine elemente teoretice, ...
PRP: 39,00 Lei  37,05 LeiAdauga in cos
Move Pre-Intermediate coursebook with CD-ROM
A uniquely flexible course for adults and young adults. move has a carefully-graded communicative syllabus that helps students to express themselves through English. move is ideal for: short intensive courses long courses with fewer teaching hours move contains: three modules at each level fifteen teaching hours of topic-based material in each module Coursebook with CD-ROM: Engaging topics motivate students to respond personally Imaginative grammar and vocabulary activities encour...


PRP: 55,00 Lei  52,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Move Intermediate coursebook with CD-ROM
A uniquely flexible course for adults and young adults. move has a carefully-graded communicative syllabus that helps students to express themselves through English. move is ideal for: short intensive courses long courses with fewer teaching hours move contains: three modules at each level fifteen teaching hours of topic-based material in each module Coursebook with CD-ROM: Engaging topics motivate students to respond personally Imaginative grammar and vocabulary activities encour...


PRP: 55,00 Lei  52,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Move Advanced coursebook with Audio CD-ROM
A uniquely flexible course for adults and young adults. move has a carefully-graded communicative syllabus that helps students to express themselves through English. move is ideal for: short intensive courses long courses with fewer teaching hours move contains: three modules at each level fifteen teaching hours of topic-based material in each module Coursebook with CD-ROM: Engaging topics motivate students to respond personally Imaginative grammar and vocabulary activities encour...


PRP: 55,00 Lei  52,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Move Upper Intermediate coursebook with CD-ROM

Kay, Sue

A uniquely flexible course for adults and young adults. move has a carefully-graded communicative syllabus that helps students to express themselves through English. move is ideal for: short intensive courses long courses with fewer teaching hours move contains: three modules at each level fifteen teaching hours of topic-based material in each module Need more? move can be extended by the: Extra practice activities in the Coursebook Interactive language and vocabulary tasks on th...


PRP: 55,00 Lei  52,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Way Ahead Practice Book  6. Caiet de limba engleza pentru clasa a VIII-a
This popular six-level course has now been revised to make it even more accesible and appealing to young learners of English.Anul publicarii: 2010Format: 19x25Pagini: 96


PRP: 24,00 Lei  22,80 LeiAdauga in cos
Way Ahead 4 Grammar Practice Book (Caiet de gramatica engleza)
This popular six-level course has now been revised to make it even more accesible and appealing to young learners of English.Anul publicarii: 2010Format: 19x25Pagini: 96


PRP: 24,00 Lei  22,80 LeiAdauga in cos
Shine Level 1 Grammar. Gramatica limbii engleze pentru clasa a VI-a
Shine is an exciting three-level course for teenagers which features a clear and systematic approach to grammar set within a topic-based framework. The fresh photographic look and motivating topic-based units which focus on teenage students' interests will strongly appeal to this age group. In each unit, language is introduced through a dialogue involving the characters from the photos, which is then followed by a series of comprehension and practice activities to consolidate the language....


PRP: 25,00 Lei  23,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Shine Level 1 Teachers Book. Manualul profesorului de limba engleza pentru clasa a VI-a
Shine is an exciting three-level course for teenagers which features a clear and systematic approach to grammar set within a topic-based framework. The fresh photographic look and motivating topic-based units which focus on teenage students' interests will strongly appeal to this age group. In each unit, language is introduced through a dialogue involving the characters from the photos, which is then followed by a series of comprehension and practice activities to consolidate the languag...


PRP: 79,00 Lei  75,05 LeiAdauga in cos
Shine Level 1 Activity Book. Caiet de limba engleza pentru clasa a VI-a
Shine is an exciting three-level course for teenagers which features a clear and systematic approach to grammar set within a topic-based framework. The fresh photographic look and motivating topic-based units which focus on teenage students' interests will strongly appeal to this age group. In each unit, language is introduced through a dialogue involving the characters from the photos, which is then followed by a series of comprehension and practice activities to consolidate the language....


PRP: 28,00 Lei  26,60 LeiAdauga in cos
Shine Level 1 Students Book. Manual de limba engleza pentru clasa a VI-a
Shine is an exciting three-level course for teenagers which features a clear and systematic approach to grammar set within a topic-based framework. The fresh photographic look and motivating topic-based units which focus on teenage students' interests will strongly appeal to this age group. In each unit, language is introduced through a dialogue involving the characters from the photos, which is then followed by a series of comprehension and practice activities to consolidate the language....


PRP: 44,00 Lei  41,80 LeiAdauga in cos
Blockbuster 2 (SB) students book. Manual pentru clasa a VI-a de limba engleza Blockbuster 2
Manualul elevului este pentru nivel gimnazial, clasa a VI-a, structurat in 8 module, fiecare incluzand 5 unitati de invatare. Fiecare modul dezvolta o anumita tema, intr-un mod atractiv prin intermediul ilustratiei, a tematicii si a modului de abordare a acesteia. Manualul dezvolta cele patru abilitati: vorbire, citire, scriere, ascultare, prin intermediul unor activitati interactive, redarea unor dialoguri si situatii din viata reala, texte din surse contemporane, insotite de exercitii ce incur...
PRP: 58,00 Lei  55,10 LeiAdauga in cos
Grammarway 4 SB with ansewers. Curs de gramatica engleza Grammarway cu raspunsuri
Alcatuita din 12 unitati de invatare ilustrate color, fiecare centrandu-se pe o anumita structura gramaticala, contine elemente teoretice, modele de lucru si exercitii practice pentru asimilarea structurilor gramaticale ale limbii engleze: The Tenses, Modal Verbs, Clauses of Result- Time – Reason – Purpose – Contrast – Manner, Relatives, Reported Speech, Have Something Done, Nouns – Articles, Pronouns – Possessives – Demonstratives – Quantifiers, T...
PRP: 67,00 Lei  63,65 LeiAdauga in cos
English Factfile activity book - Caiet pentru clasa a VI-a
English Factfile for Grade 6 continues the approach to learning and teaching begun in English Agenda for grade 5. Features of this activity book include:-relevant practice linked to each unit of the student's book-answers to exercisesThe course consists of a student's book, a theacher's book, an activity book, and a class cassette.Autori: Alaviana Achim, Ecaterina Comisel, Felicia Dinu
15,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Limba engleza moderna 1, studiu intensiv. Caietul elevului. Clasa a VI-a
This material is in accordance with the 2017 Romanian Curriculum for the subject Modern Language 1. Grades 5-8, approved by ministerialdecree No. 3393/2017 [Programa scolara pentru disciplina Limba moderna 1. Clasele a V-a- a Vlll-a, aprobata prin ordin al ministruluiNr. 3393/2017]. Vicki Anderson, Eoin Higgins,Cristina Rusu, Ioana Tudose, Diana Todoran
Limba moderna 1, studiu intensiv, engleza. Caietul elevului pentru clasa a VI-a
This material is in accordance with the 2017 Romanian Curriculum for the subject Modern Language 1. Grades 5-8, approved by ministerial decree No. 3393/2017 [Programa scolara pentru disciplina Limba moderna 1. Clasele a V-a- a Vlll-a, aprobata prin ordin al ministrului Nr. 3393/2017]. This publication is the product of the collaboration between Cambridge University Press and Art Klett. Adapted by Art Klett from Eyes Open Level 2, Workbook, Vicki Anderson with Eoin Higgins, Eyes Open Level 3, W...
Limba moderna 1, limba engleza. Caietul elevului pentru clasa a VI-a
This material is in accordance with the 2017 Romanian Curriculum for the subject Modern Language 1. Grades 5-8, approved by ministerial decree No. 3393/2017 [Programa scolara pentru disciplina Limba moderna 1. Clasele a V-a- a Vlll-a, aprobata prin ordin al ministrului Nr. 3393/2017]. This publication is the product of the collaboration between Cambridge University Press and Art Klett. Adapted by Art Klett from Make it! Level 2, Student's Book and Workbook Combo with eBook and Make it! Level 3...