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The Gauchos of Argentina. Footprint Reading Library 2200. Book
In Argentina, there is a group of men who live a unique life; the life of a gaucho. This special type of cowboy has been continuing the old traditions for centuries. What type of lifestyle do these men have and what does it mean to be a gaucho?ISBN: 9781424011063Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 149 x 205 x 3mm | 66gAnul aparitiei: 05 Dec 2008
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Future of a Village. Footprint Reading Library 800. Book
Essaouira is a beautiful old town by the sea. Most local people there are fishermen. However, the number of fish has gone down. Now, there are not as many jobs for the people. How will the fishermen make money to live? What will happen to the town?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Exciting Streets of Barcelona. Footprint Reading Library 2600. Book
People from all over the world love to visit a street in Barcelona, Spain called \\''the Ramblas\\''. This walking-only street is centrally located and full of interesting artists, performers, and other entertainers. What happens on the Ramblas? What makes this street so exciting?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 3mm | 56gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Black Diamonds of Provence. Footprint Reading Library 2200. Book
In France, some people earn money by selling a special food called a \\''truffel\\''. Truffles can be found in the woods, however they are very rare and expensive. That\\''s why they are sometimes called \\''black diamonds\\''. What is this unusual food, and why is it so expensive?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 203 x 3mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 02 Dec 2008
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Art of Making Silk. Footprint Reading Library 1600. Book
There is a silk factory in Florence, Italy, where workers use ancient machines to create beautiful silk cloth. Other factories have modernized and use newer machines but the workers here continue to weave silk from machines that are centuries old. How is this silk made? What makes it special?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 150 x 211 x 2mm | 60gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Amazing Human Body. Footprint Reading Library 2600. Book
The human body is an amazing \\''machine\\'' made up of different systems that allow us to do things like run, eat, and even breath. These systems work together to keep the body functioning normally and healthily. How does the human body actually work? What jobs do the systems perform?ISBN: 9781424011308Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 2mm | 57gAnul aparitiei: 25 Mar 2009
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Adventure Capital of the World. Footprint Reading Library 1300. Book
Queenstown, New Zealand considers itself \\''The Adventure Capital of the World\\''. Why? People go there to jump from high places, drive extremely fast boats and walk into the mountains and fly back. Why is Queensland such a popular place for adventure? What would you do there?ISBN: 9781424010752Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 144 x 205 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Taiko Master. Footprint Reading Library 1000. Book
\\''Taiko\\'' is a kind of Japanese drum that people hit to make music. Taiko drumming is an ancient Japanese art and it\\''s difficult to learn. Now, many people are practicing taiko drumming in the United States. They have a very special teacher. What makes him so special?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 149 x 205 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 01 Feb 2013
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Spacewalk. Footprint Reading Library 2600. Book
The first trip outside of a spacecraft, or \\''spacewalk\\'', was completed in 1965. Since then many astronauts have participated in spacewalks, but spacewalking does not come without its risks and challenges and astronauts are in constant danger when in space. What are the risks and challenges of spacewalking? How do astronauts overcome them?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 151 x 211 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 01 Apr 2009...
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Solar Cooking. Footprint Reading Library 1600. Book
Two people from the United States have developed an efficient and healthy way to cook using the sun. Solar cooking good for the environment and is also extremely helpful to people in certain countries. Why is solar cooking important to some countries? How can solar cooking help save lives?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 150 x 211 x 3mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Snow Magic! Footprint Reading Library 800. Book
Snow is very important for Dan Raedeke. The success of his business depends on it. But this year, it\\''s too warm for natural snow, and Dan needs help. He needs a little \\''snow magic\\''! What is Dan\\''s business? How will he get snow?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 01 Feb 2013
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Snake Detective. Footprint Reading Library 2600. Book
A snake park in the Sultanate of Oman has a serious problem: all but one of their snakes have died. The owner of the park has hired a \\''snake detective\\'' to uncover the mystery of the dying snakes. Why did the snakes die? Will the snake detective be able to save the new snakes?Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 3mm | 68gAnul aparitiei: 24 Apr 2009
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Shark Alley. Footprint Reading Library 2200. Book
In Shark Alley, South Africa, people often go underwater in protected environments to watch great white sharks in their natural surroundings. Some people believe that this makes the sharks more violent, others feel there is no change in behavior. Two researchers want to find the truth. How do they study the sharks? What do they find out?Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 3mm | 66gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Saving the Pandas! Footprint Reading Library 1600. Book
Giant Pandas are considered the national treasure of China. Unfortunately, these animals are becoming extinct. The people of China are working hard to save pandas from disappearing. Why are they becoming extinct? What are the Chinese people doing to save them?Nr pagini: 32 pagesFormat: 150 x 212 x 3mm | 66gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Saving the Amazon Together. Footprint Reading Library 2600. Book
The Amazon rain forest is in crisis. Illegal miners are destroying the homes of millions of plants and animals; however, one group of scientists is exploring the far off regions of a newly formed national park to stop the destruction. How can they help to save the rain forest? Who will they get to help them?Nr pagini: 48 pagesFormat: 147 x 205 x 4mm | 91gAnul aparitiei: 06 Jun 2009
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Puffin Rescue! Footprint Reading Library 1000
Puffins are a kind of bird that lives in Iceland. Each year baby puffins, or pufflings, leave their homes to find the sea. Sometimes the pufflings get lost and cannot find their way. Groups of people must rescue, or help, the pufflings. How do people rescue the pufflings?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 208 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Polar Bears in Trouble. Footprint Reading Library 2200
Polar bears one of the largest and most dangerous hunters in the cold regions of the North. Their bodies are built for winter and they do best in the coldest areas. Unfortunately, polar bears are becoming threatened due to changes in the world\\''s climate. How does global warming affect polar bears? What must be done to save them?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 149 x 205 x 3mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 26 Jan 2009
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Peruvian Weavers. Footprint Reading Library 1000
In the village of Chinchero, Peru, weaving is an important tradition. Weavers use animal hair to make beautiful cloth. They have always used this cloth to stay warm. However, now they are also selling it to make money. How will this affect the local people and economy?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 147 x 203 x 2mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 21 Dec 2007
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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ParaLife Rescue! Footprint Reading Library 1900
In Brazil, a man has discovered a new way of saving, or rescuing, people from drowning in the ocean. This new rescue method involves a person using a motor-powered aircraft to work with lifeguards on the beach. How do these people work together? Is this an effective way of saving lives?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 149 x 205 x 3mm | 54gAnul aparitiei: 11 Nov 2008
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Orangutan Language. Footprint Reading Library 1600
Orangutans are animals that are similar to humans in many ways. One similarity is their ability to communicate through language. This ability is being studied in a program at a zoo in Washington, D.C. What is the purpose of this program? How does it work?Nr pagini: 24 pagesFormat: 150 x 212 x 3mm | 57gAnul aparitiei: 06 Dec 2012
PRP: 19,00 Lei  18,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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